Legal Grounds | Conversations on Life, Leadership & Law

Legal Grounds | Madison Campbell

Mike H. Bassett

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WARNING: This week’s episode contains discussions of sexual violence.

My guest this week is Madison Campbell, the co-founder of Leda Health Co. and advocate for victims of sexual assault

A survivor herself, Madison decided set out on a mission not just to make herself whole, but to heal communities and to change the way we as a culture deal with the epidemic of sexual violence. 

Since founding Leda Health, Madison has been named to Forbes 30 under 30, and Leda’s EEK (Emergency Evidence Kit) was an honoree at the 2022 Consumer Electronics Show. 

We talk about what it’s like to have your ideas rejected, especially when change is so urgently and obviously needed, and why our cultural narrative relies on the myth of the “perfect victim.”

From expanding services to rural areas and telehealth, unpacking the grim statistics, and understanding the legal complexities and injustices around sexual assault, this conversation is one every leader should take the time to listen. 

Enjoy the show.