Legal Grounds | Conversations on Life, Leadership & Law

Legal Grounds | Garner Berry

Mike H. Bassett

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Every time I get to sit down and record an episode of this podcast I remind myself that what I want is a conversation, not an interview. 

Now, a big part of that is because when asking questions I know I have the tendency to default to "lawyer-mode,” which I would technically describe as listening, but the only purpose of the answer is to inform your next question. 

A conversation, however, requires active listening. 

It requires letting topics and thought-processes intertwine in ways both strange and wonderful, and when it can be sustained the conversation morphs into something like jazz.

A mood contained. 

My conversation this week with Garner Berry happens to be one of them. 

He is a dear friend and a damn good attorney, recently being named partner at Chartwell Law

But for the purpose of our conversation today, Garner is the father of a 13 year old son with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a degenerative disease with no known cure. 

From refocusing during times of crisis to laughing in the face of tragedy, trying to encapsulate everything discussed would take as long to read as it would for you to listen to the podcast, so I'll simply say two things: 

1) The best leaders are the ones who keep going when hope is all that's left. 

2) Get your tissues. 

Enjoy the Show.

Check out the links below for more information about DMD and  ways to help.

The Parent Project - a DMD Specific Organization

Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA)

RAD (Radically Against Dystrophy)