Legal Grounds | Conversations on Life, Leadership & Law

Legal Grounds | Sarah Hernholm

Mike H. Bassett

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I often joke on the show that a lot of people my age have the "these kids today..." mentality. 


But like a lot of humor there is a strong undercurrent of truth, and so my hope has always been that leaders will eventually see that this mentality is not just foolish, but also pretty dang silly. 


And to further complicate things, as my guest today points out, adults aren't totally wrong that this generation seems to be less motivated and less resilient than those that came before them. 


The problem: it's our fault.

Too often as leaders and, for lack of a better term, "grown-up’s,” we are very good at pointing out the problems and very bad at remedying them.


Sarah Hernholm  is a former elementary school teacher turned entrepreneur. 

In 2009, she left the classroom to create WIT - Whatever It Takes - an organization that works with teens and tweens around the world who are interested in using their voice and ideas to launch businesses, non-profits, and/or social movements, all while helping them to develop emotional intelligence, soft skills, and an entrepreneurial mindset

A three-time TEDx Speaker (1) (2) (3), Sarah also writes for FORBES and TODAY Show Parent, hosts the DO WIT podcast, and is currently writing her book “11 Tips for Doing WIT.”

We discuss why kids actually DO love working, why adults too often play the victim in situations they create, and the power of commas over periods. 


Oh, and Will Ferrell...


Enjoy the show!