Legal Grounds | Conversations on Life, Leadership & Law

Legal Grounds | M.C. Sungaila

Mike H. Bassett

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“When you have enough for yourself and something more to give – you give it.”

People of many faith traditions are probably familiar with some version of this concept, but rarely have I heard it put so simply. Then I met M.C. Sungaila

M.C. is an Appellate Attorney who is the leader of Buchalter’s appellate practice group. She has worked on cases dealing with issues ranging from constitutional law, to immigration, and even Holocaust Art Recovery. 

For most lawyers, these accomplishments would be enough when they ‘hang up their spurs’ at the end of the day. But not M.C. 

In addition to her fantastic legal work, she also leads a life of impact, serving & chairing on boards like the RAND Institute for Civil Justice, reStore Costa Mesa Recovery, and Red Hen Press. 

M.C. & I discuss her journey from aspiring poet, to legal rock star. From filing her first Amicus Brief with the Supreme Court to teaching law students to taking over & leading a team during a global pandemic. 

Oh, and she’s also an accomplished author to boot. 

Enjoy the show!