Legal Grounds | Conversations on Life, Leadership & Law

Legal Grounds | Karen Catlin

Mike H. Bassett

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There’s been plenty of stories recently about how toxic the tech environment has become - whether it’s about politics, gender, or self-image. 

Now, I’m not a huge ‘social media’ guy and I would be the first to admit I don’t understand the nuances of how this whole game is played. That being said, something needs to change and I’m thankful that people like my guest today for being at the tip of the spear. 

Karen Catlin was a VP at two of the largest software companies in Silicon Valley. First at Macromedia, and then at a company you probably interact with daily - Adobe Software.

After stepping away from the industry in 2012, Karen went on to found her own consulting firm that focused on inclusion and diversity - long before they were on the cultural radar. 

She is a TedX speaker, an acclaimed author and coauthor of multiple works, and probably one of the straightest shooters I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing.

What starts as a discussion about women in tech becomes a larger exploration of inclusiveness across all spectrums, and it’s one I’m thankful I had the chance to be a part of.

Enjoy the show!