Legal Grounds | Conversations on Life, Leadership & Law

Legal Grounds | Lauren Parsons

Mike H. Bassett

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There’s plenty of talk these days about the link between our physical health and our mental health, and it’s a conversation I’m very much here for. 

According to the CDC’s last survey, nearly half of American adults (49.1%) attempt some form of weight loss in a given year. And I’m not shy in saying that I have been a part of this statistic on and off throughout my adult life. 

But it wasn’t until very recently - probably the past 5 years or so - that I’ve truly begun to appreciate the mental side of my physical health. Now granted, any medical professional can tell you that exercise is one of the best antidepressants out there, but it’s one of those things I think we all have to come to realize in our own ways. And it’s ok if that takes a while. 

My guest this week is a trailblazer at the intersection of physical & mental health as it relates to our ability to perform in the workplace.

Now to be clear, Lauren Parsons isn’t out to boost profits through pushups. She’s on a mission to change the way all of us move through our days, even if it’s only short bursts of activity. Or as she likes to call it, Snacking on Fitness. 

A TEDx Speaker and highly sought-after consultant, Lauren draws on 18 years experience in the health and wellness profession, combined with her background in business, to help organizations with desk-bound staff create a positive, energized team culture where people can thrive & perform at their best. So no matter where you’re at in your health journey, there’s something here for everyone. 

Enjoy the show!


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