Legal Grounds | Conversations on Life, Leadership & Law

Legal Grounds | Allen Klein

Mike H. Bassett

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I was tempted to release this week's episode as my New Year's podcast, but I think it’s still early enough in the year that the sentiment is still there. 

As we enter year three of an ever-changing pandemic, it might seem like there’s just nothing left to laugh about anymore. Much less, things that leave us in ‘awe’!

That’s why I thought it might be a good idea to find someone who not only sees the world as an actively awe-inspiring place but has made a living spreading that message and helping others to see it, too. 

Allen Klein is an author, internationally sought-after speaker, and the world’s one and only “Jollytologist”. And he’s got the credentials to boot. 

He followed his dream of becoming a set designer and eventually found himself working for one of the longest running children's shows - Captain Kangaroo. In 1982 Allen returned to academia, earning his Masters in Therapeutic Humor from St. Mary University of Minnesota.

What would follow is a writing and speaking career that is now entering its 4th decade.

Allen has written over 15 books, including the international best-seller, “The Healing Power of Humor” which has been reprinted over 30 times in more than 10 different languages, as well as his latest work, “The Awe Factor: How A Little Bit of Wonder Can Make A Big Difference in Your Life”.

It was a wonderful, lighthearted conversation that I hope can lift your spirits & help finish out the week with a little bit of awe. 

Enjoy the show.