Father and Dad

How do you rest?

Steven & Patrick Caraher Season 3 Episode 4

We begin the episode reviewing Steven's daily routine at Seminary.      Each week day does follow a pattern.    Dad looked back on his college days and recalled how he would try to schedule as much activity as he could, even scheduling to do homework on Friday evenings - which never happened.

We all need rest.   Even God rested on the 7th day.

Steven recalls how he sought rest from sources that paradoxically left him more tired.    Fortunately, he met a priest in seminary who outlined 3 authentic restful activities:
1. Relate to God
2. Relate to Others
3. Exercise

Admittedly, activity number 3, exercise, caught Steven by surprise but he has found the Exercise, does provide rest.

It's also important to spend time on activities that help you  refocus on what is important.
Steven has begun meeting on a monthly basis with a group of priests who gather for a 1-day retreat that includes group prayer, shared reflection and confession.    Though he has just started with this group, it has already begun to bear fruit.