Father and Dad

Official Altar Server

October 30, 2022 Season 3 Episode 5

Mom and Dad visited Steven at Sacred Heart Major Seminary to witness his installation to the minor order of Acolyte.     The minor order of Acolyte marks Steven’s progression on the road to ordination.     There are many different descriptions of the minor order of Acolyte one of which is that he can officially serve at the altar.

Part of Mom and Dad’s visit was a tour of Sacred Heart Major Seminary.    In many ways, this seminary is like a monastery; a world within itself, order within the urban world that surrounds it. 

In preparation for the diaconate Steven has been taking a class in which he practices administrating the sacraments.    Since Mom and Dad were in town, he took the opportunity to practice the sacrament of Matrimony and have them renew their vows after 29 years of marriage.