Father and Dad

School's Out Forever

Steven & Patrick Caraher Season 4 Episode 10

Steven graduated from Sacred Heart Major Seminary and with that, ended 23 consecutive years of schooling!

Steven took this time to reflect back on his academic priestly formation which began in 2018 at Mundelein Seminary.

The transition from college where he studied Mathematics to the seminary and Philosophy proved more challenging than expected.    Figuring that the logic and mathematical thinking would easily segue into philosophy, Steven discovered things more challenging.

Steven worked hard and things started to click.   He found that understanding Philosophy helps one prepare for studying Theology.    How you look at things sets foundation for how you look at God.   Philosophy serves as a handmaid to Theology.

Transitioning to Theology was not only a transition in studies but a transition between seminaries as Steven moved from Mundelein to Sacred Heart Major. 

While Philosophy is more "ivory tower" in nature, Theology is based on revelation, what we have received from the Lord.   Mining and more deeply coming to know what we have received from the Lord, it is Faith seeking understanding.

Reflecting on his growth from 2018 Steven feels he has grown in how he looks a the world.   With a more clear understanding of the source of human thought it can only help to unpack the Good News.

Leaving nothing but fond memories of his seminary years, Steven now looks forward towards ordination.