Father and Dad

Catholic Schools Week

Steven & Patrick Caraher Season 5 Episode 9

The end of January brings with it Catholic Schools week.    Fr. Steven’s home parish St. Thomas More traditionally holds and open house accompanied by a pancake breakfast on this Sunday.

Fr. Steven has been assigned as the chaplain to two local catholic schools.    The first is the grammar school associated with his parish.    While pastor Fr. Ted serves more of an administrative role with the school Fr. Steven is able to serve as the “fun uncle”.

Fr. Steven makes it a point to be there often during the week, greeting the young students when they arrive and seeing them at the end of the day.    One of the joys of working with these young children is that they do not hide their mood.   Whether happy or sad, they leave no doubt to their feelings.    Of course, the young students enjoy asking Fr. Steven any question that pops into their heads.

Fr. Steven has started an Altar Server program at the school.   While the school has had altar severs, Fr. Steven provides a priestly presence.   He also strives to make certain to teach them something new every time they serve.

The local catholic High School offers another opportunity for Fr. Steven.  Recognizing the importance of this time of life, he does his best to be present for the students.   He is also part of committee that is looking at the Catholic Identity of the school.