Inspired with Nika Lawrie

Removing Processed Foods To Reverse Aging with Kellie Olver

January 03, 2023 Nika Lawrie, Kellie Olver Season 2023 Episode 31

Today we talked about eating food for a purpose. To heal our bodies, reverse aging, and minimize damage from highly processed foods.


Kellie Olver is an Internationally recognized television host, with over 22,000 hours of live TV, working with mega superstars including Joan Rivers. Today she is known for her reverse aging success strategies, innovative skincare formulations, and teaching 1000’s of women around the world her proven step-by-step systems to be the best version of themselves, inside and out. 

Kellie is also recognized for creating Absolutely Ageless, The Celebrity Insider Beauty Blueprint, a 6-week action plan to stop and reverse aging. She is the author of “Secrets to Ageless Beauty: How to Look and Feel 10 Years Younger for the Rest of Your Life”, and owner/formulator of Crepey Skin FX Beauty Treatments and Triple K Collagen Restore, Collagen Protein.


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Nika Lawrie:

Kelly, welcome to the show. I'm so grateful to have you here today.

Kellie Olver:

Well, thank you so much. It's a pleasure to be here and thank you for inviting me.

Nika Lawrie:

Yeah, so I'm really excited to talk to you. I think we're going to talk about kind of purpose-driven food and the health and wellness around the food we eat and processed foods. So we'll get kind of deep dive into it. So I'm excited to talk about that today. But before we get into that, can you tell us a little bit about your back history or your story and how you got to where you are today, because I know it's super fascinating.

Kellie Olver:

It's super fast, oh my goodness. So let's start from the beginning. Where I am today is I teach women around the world everything there is to know about reverse aging and having a happy, healthy mind, a fit body and beautiful skin. And what got me here was my past, obviously, growing up as a child, I grew up in a very abusive household. I you know who doesn't I mean we're not alone, but yeah but still.

Kellie Olver:

But it's everywhere. But truly, it started with my parents putting my sister and I on a diet. We're on every diet under the sun the Dolly Parton diet, the peel a pound diet, the eggs and grapefruit diet, the rice diet, the packaged food diet, pregnant woman's injection urine diet just because my parents had a had a problem with weight. So they had their own limiting beliefs about weight. They had this mindset on what about being overweight meant was that you're unworthy, you're not attractive, right, so it was a real problem. So I went through this series of yo yo dieting up and down and up and down, and eating, eating and starving and starving and and eating everything I could under the sun. I became bulimic, I made poor nutritional choices, just. It was a very difficult journey. Yeah, and until and I have two turning points, so I'm just going to skip to what gotten to where I am right now.

Kellie Olver:

I was able to turn that around, didn't stick so fast forward. One day I looked in the mirror and I went. What the Hades happened? I mean, I didn't recognize the face. I didn't recognize, like, where I was in my life. It wasn't the life that I signed up for.

Kellie Olver:

Yeah, my body, my skin was loose and sagging, I was still not solid in my eating.

Kellie Olver:

So I made the decision to really discover what it was that was going to transform the inside and out in mind, body and skin. And I have, throughout my years, traveled far and wide, spent you know, took a year off from work, from work one time, just, went all over the world to anti aging spots and clinics and centers. Who I felt could teach me those the missing pieces and missing link, what as to what it, what it would take to get me to be the best version in an inside and out Right. Luckily, nirvana, I was able to find that information and truly, at the end of the day I'll just give the secret out right now it's really all about balance. It's about balance and what you eat, a healthy diet balancing and what you eat, eat real foods every single day, a wide assortment, a wide variety. And that's pretty much my part of my entire program, which is all about my Absolutely Aging program, which is the cornerstone of my Reverse Aging program as well.

Nika Lawrie:

So your story is so similar to so many of us. We figure out that we don't feel good or that we're having a health issue that we're struggling with or we have, you know, some issues with body image and things like that, and then we go through the process of figuring it out ourselves and then once we've kind of sort of reached that point I think it's kind of this always ongoing journey of healing your body and caring for your body but then we turn it into a tool where we can serve other people, and so I love that and I commend that you are now doing that for others.

Kellie Olver:

You know what. Thank you, and I appreciate you saying that it's really, really important. I had no one to help me, though I back then there really wasn't anybody doing anything like this, nor did the concept of weight and diet and wellness. I mean, I'm 62. So I'm not bad for 62. I think. What do you think?

Nika Lawrie:

Beautiful, absolutely.

Kellie Olver:

She better say that Just kidding.

Nika Lawrie:

I am, I am full heartedly genuine with that comment.

Kellie Olver:

Thank you, yeah, yeah, um. I just, I just know what what I went through on this journey. It was painful, it was long. I gave up many times. Nothing seemed to work. So, really, I have tried everything I have been there, done that, got the t-shirt on what it takes in terms of nutrition, in terms of mindset, in terms of confidence, in terms of helping you to get rid of your limiting beliefs. This is not just a one like a one step and it's all done. Your body is like a complex organism that has so many things going on and yet, in terms of simplicity, I'll be honest with you it starts in two places. It starts in the mind, but everything begins in the body and everything begins with the food that you eat.

Nika Lawrie:

Yeah, man, I completely agree with that. I think, you know, once I really started to make the conscious decisions to eat better and to really start to investigate what was in the food I was eating and then transition that to real whole food, opposed to the processed foods, that's when I really started to feel better physically and mentally. And I think the key there is I started to feel better mentally and so I had less depression, I had less anxiety, I had less, um, kind of questioning who I am and where am I supposed to go and where am I headed, and and it really was kind of a full circle in that sense.

Kellie Olver:

You know, I remember I was 25 and I walked into my naturopath's office in Toronto. She's a naturopathic chiropractor, a healer and I walked in for my magic potion to help me lose weight. I said help me lose the weight and I'll be happy and everything will be fixed and changing. You'll never see me again. And she said no. I said yes and she said no. She goes. What we're going to do is never talk about weight, never, ever again. What we're going to do is we're going to work from the inside out, peel back the layers, work from within and then, at the end and this journey will be be ongoing you will never have to worry or think about your weight ever again.

Kellie Olver:

The first thing she did believe it or not, was give me, because I was the queen of packaged foods, queen of sugar. I didn't know how to eat. I had no discipline on eating. I it was truly. I was a lost little soul. Um so, but we'll get to processed foods in a moment. She gave me a real food two week cleanse, which I now call the gentle detox. I was eating real foods, fruits and vegetables, not at the same time, no sugar except the natural sugars that I was ingesting, coupled with some fiber, some psyllium seed husks, a little bit of olive oil, it changed my life. My first cleanse, I experienced the same thing as well. I was amazed at how my emotional state became upbeat and joyous. I was amazed how food started to have flavor again. I was amazed yeah, yeah, it's a beautiful thing when you finally go oh, my gosh, that's really good and you start looking forward to it.

Nika Lawrie:

I love it. I mean, I love that she said we aren't going to talk about weight. Because that's a big thing for me is I have people come to me wanting to lose the weight and the the tough conversation that I have with them often is that I am not a weight loss coach. I've never been a weight loss coach. I will never be a weight loss coach. It is not about losing weight. It's it's understanding that the weight that you may be experiencing is a symptom of other things going on in your body.

Nika Lawrie:

And you know, there can be a number of things that are causing that, but but usually the likely two things are too much sugar, because it's in everything and it's everywhere and it's all we crave and it's all we want to eat. And two is it's the type of foods that we're we're taking in. It's that, you know, it's the lack of nutrition versus all the calories that we're taking, and people focus on the calories and they never focus on the nutritional value of it.

Kellie Olver:

So I'm going to just interrupt our flow for a second and say to all of your watchings right now, your viewers isn't Mika amazing? She is so amazing. I'm listening to you right now and I'm smiling because I'm going to speak in my language. I have found a kindred spirit. I so fully, 100% agree with you. You know, you talked about absorption, or I like to say you are what you absorb, which is different than you are what you eat, yeah, and which relates to detoxing at the same time, when you, when we start eating food and ingesting food, and this goes back to kind of the beginning, with every food having a purpose. And so how about I start at the beginning right here, can I?

Nika Lawrie:

Yeah, go for it so.

Kellie Olver:

I'm a firm believer that when, when, way back before the beginning of time, when the big guy, god, decided he wanted to create his children, he developed, created a vessel and this vessel this is. Decided. He wanted to create his children, he developed, created a vessel, and this vessel, this is the body that we're in, and he designed that vessel so, when our soul pop right in that and when we were plopped down in the garden of life on earth, that we would be able to live for a very, very long, long time and live happy and healthy and well fed, and that our vessel would have everything built inside that it needed in order to keep us strong and vibrant and keep us living for a very long time. And so that's really the beginning of time. But let's fast forward a little bit.

Kellie Olver:

So what God did not anticipate was mankind and pollution and industrialization and pesticides and molten lava cakes and all of these processed, packaged foods that really have nothing to do with all of the Fresh fruits and vegetables and what the Garden of Life had to offer. The problem is, your body wasn't designed to process. So, for example, you have a processing center that will digest, help you to eliminate and then to detoxify the body. The body's not designed, wasn't set up to digest plastics, wasn't designed to assimilate pesticides, nor all the chemicals, nor all of the sugar that's in our foods today, all those mystery ingredients that you can't recognize. It doesn't know what to do with it. That's one of the biggest reasons why people age because you've got this buildup of material that the body doesn't know what to do with, of material that the body doesn't know what to do with, and it's typically lining the insides of your body and in some cases, your intestinal tract?

Kellie Olver:

Yeah, and it's. And it's the same thing, though, with energy, because we have this powerhouse, this furnace that's in our body, that is supposed to take the nutrients, the fuel that has been processed from the food we ate, from the nutrients, the nutrients, and that energy is supposed to give us that spark of life from everything from giving birth to running to just allowing our bodily processes to function at peak performance. So, if all you're eating is processed foods, packaged foods, pesticides, chemicals, now, not all processed foods are bad. I mean, you have to, you have to read the label. There are certain I know it sounds kind of, but there are certain processed foods that you give it a good green light on it, but most of them, the majority of them I'm like all of the fast foods- Ah yeah, I mean, it's debatable that that's even actual food.

Kellie Olver:

Yeah, it's called the it's. It's the mystery meat. It's the mystery meat also in all of the microwave foods. That's a big problem. We live in a society today with fast, fast, fast, go, go go, especially here in the United States. Many people are working two jobs. Go, go, go. Especially here in the United States, many people are working two jobs. And who has time to cook, who has time to prepare food anymore? Who has time to sit down as a family, to even enjoy a meal together, which is something that I think, as humanity, at least here in the United States, we're missing Absolutely. We're missing that. We're missing Absolutely. We're missing that. You know that's I like to call it. You know no-transcript. I believe that we're all vibration and food has a vibration itself. And you know, when you, before you sit down for that meal, when you're preparing your food, you know just have these positive thoughts flowing love, you know just compassion, the joy of being with your family, and that energy goes through your hands and then it goes into the food that you're, that you're preparing.

Nika Lawrie:

Yeah, I love that I there's. There is actual scientific evidence that talks about the the um increase of digestive fluids throughout your body. So, whether that's uh, saliva in your mouth or the digestive fluids in your stomach and your large and small intestines, that increases when you smell the food while you're cooking it, when you slow down, while you eat it, you are actually, you know, tasting the food and letting those food dissolve in your mouth before you just inhale it and swallow it like that. There there's real scientific research behind you know, slowing down and and enjoying meals and preparing meals as well.

Kellie Olver:

It's we didn't do that when I was a kid, that that didn't happen in my family it it I've had to learn this, and I used to stand over the kitchen sink, which a lot of people have done.

Nika Lawrie:

So many of us I mean so many of us were like that, you know, and I think parents try and parents did the best they could. But you know, there there's so much that goes on in society that we aren't taught about. You know, our general education system teaches us nothing about our own actual health and wellness whatsoever, you know they, we, we barely even learn how to, you know, pay our bills through school, and so there's so many things about general life that we need to be taught that we're not.

Kellie Olver:

Well, and then let's talk about speaking and being taught. Every food has purpose.

Nika Lawrie:


Kellie Olver:

That's really important. You know, I I listening to one of your podcasts on this couple that lost a lot of weight doing plant-based diets and you spoke about you know. You know not. Calories are not the same. I used to think that if I ate, okay, I'm going to have a thousand calorie diet and I can have chocolate chip cookies and, and that's good, because I'm not at all. There is no purpose to the sugar, there is no purpose to the white flour. If you look at all of the foods that are out there I actually have lists of these foods and their purposes Each one is designed to do a specific function, just like in the garden of light.

Kellie Olver:

Remember, we were designed with everything that we needed to thrive on the planet for a very long time, and the key thing was the food that we ate to do everything for our body. So every food does something different than another food. So, for example, salmon and blueberries work to help to repair your cellular DNA. You've got foods that help to correct cancer. You've got chocolate that's going to help with wrinkles. Chocolate and blueberries help to firm the skin, tighten the skin, repair wrinkles from the inside out, as does salmon.

Kellie Olver:

You've got phytonutrients, tons of phytonutrients. People might call them phytochemicals, but plant-based nutrients, micronutrients, that are the most potent powerhouses on the planet. Everything from your leafy greens to I'm getting a little blank right now raspberries, blueberries, sweet potatoes. I mean everything that is from the garden. You just think, if you eat a broad spectrum of colorful fruits and vegetables, a broad spectrum of plant-based proteins and a broad spectrum of animal protein, you will find that you will be healthy I like to say healthy, wealthy wives and that's also the premise of my reverse aging program. You just eat clean, anti-inflammatory, reverse aging foods and design your eating program with whatever specific need. Your physician has told you that. You have mentioned in one of you in that video that most everybody is B12 deficient. I'm probably the only person who's like 200% over their B12 needs just because of the foods that I eat.

Nika Lawrie:

Yeah, yeah, it's incredible to actually, when you deep dive into the the statistics around the deficiencies in most Americans. So you think you know most Americans are B12 deficient and so B12 is part of not the full, but a big factor in our energy and and how we have energy and how we spend energy in our bodies. So if you're walking around, you know feeling fatigued or have chronic fatigue, b12 may be an issue and it's likely that you're not getting enough from the foods you're eating. Magnesium is another one.

Nika Lawrie:

I think it's something like 70 or 75% of Americans are deficient on magnesium, and I mean, if there's any nutrients in your life to have, magnesium is like one of the life sources.

Kellie Olver:

Yeah, and magnesium, a couple of Brazil nuts.

Nika Lawrie:

Yes, yeah.

Kellie Olver:

Hello, go for the Brazil. So there, so every you you've got everything that you need. I don't supplement. I've never supplement. My entire life I've eaten for my nutrition and it wasn't until I actually got my blood tested. I think I spoke to you. I have an autoimmune disease and, putting that aside for now, um, not food related Um, I got my blood tested and they were blown away. They've never seen anyone whose blood, whose body was so healthy and who did not supplement, which is why I don't take. I'm on zero medication, zero heart medication, zero cholesterol medication, nada. My health is a direct result of the foods that come into my body.

Nika Lawrie:

Absolutely. Yeah, I mean, it's the saying that everyone says anymore. But food is medicine and it's a powerful tool for avoiding chronic diseases, avoiding metabolic syndrome, avoiding, uh, early aging, I mean you could name it. So, yes, absolutely.

Kellie Olver:

You would ask me a question earlier about is it ever too late for someone to start?

Nika Lawrie:

Yeah, Right, so yeah, so. So the one of the questions was um, you know, say you're in your thirties, or your forties, or fifties, or sixties, and you, you know, have not eaten. Well, you didn't learn all of this information. Is it too late? Is there a time where it's too late to change? Or, you know, is there always that opportunity?

Kellie Olver:

And that's the great question and the answer to that it's never too late to start eating for beauty, to start eating to reversing the aging process. Now, you'll never change your chronological age, but you can definitely turn back to biological age and which will positively impact how you look and how you feel you know they've done studies, impact how you look and how you feel. You know they've done studies. Let's go back a step. As soon as you start introducing the nutrients that your body needs. Your body will love you for this. It's waiting to get these incredible nutrients to take them in, and when it takes them in, they quickly respond to the purpose of what that food is for. So your body starts to rebuild, your body starts to repair itself. And the thing about the body everything renews itself. You think to yourself well, I've got the same cells in my entire body. No, so the cells on your tongue, for example, they, they replace themselves, I believe, every three days, am I right with that?

Nika Lawrie:

Something like that. I don't know the exact time period, but yeah.

Kellie Olver:

Yeah, just like the cells in your uterus uh, they, they swap out. Just like the cells in your eyes and your skin and your heart they swap out. Your bones are one of the longest to swap out. I think that takes about eight years to have a brand new set of bones.

Nika Lawrie:

I was going to say 10. So, yeah, something in that range, yeah so once.

Kellie Olver:

So the cells that you have right now have that have not benefited from the beautiful nutrient dense foods fresh fruits, the fresh vegetables or steam, sometimes cooked, obviously they they'll start taking that in. The more you eat that, the more you stay on that path of this ageless nutrition lifestyle, the more your body responds. You do grow younger every day. I mean I I have pictures of myself when I was 35, 40, 45, 50, and turning on the light and on a good day, I actually look better, happy, my skin, my skin is smoother, my, I just look younger. I have a younger mindset. I have a younger body. I can move my body, more so than a lot of 30 and 40 year olds, I know, and that's only because I'm giving my body what it needs and it is rewarding me for this. But that was the whole purpose of us being on this planet to live for a very, very long time. That's why eating nutrient dense, real foods is so important dense, real foods is so important.

Nika Lawrie:

I mean, I will feed off of that for sure. When I, when I was in my teens and twenties, I wore makeup, I always had some type of concealer foundation on. You know, I was always not super cakey, but it was a regular part of my routine. And then when I changed my diet and and stopped eating as many processed foods and really started to look at how much sugar sugar is the big one really looking at how much sugar I was taking in, how well I was sleeping, all of those kinds of things I was able to virtually stop wearing makeup. I wear a, you know, I wear mascara and maybe a little bit of eyeliner. Occasionally I'll put a little bronzer on. Aside from that, I wear zero face makeup whatsoever and I get more compliments on my skin now than I ever did in my 20s.

Kellie Olver:

But you're eating the food. I mean I could, you can tell yes, because of the food that you eat. I mean your skin is plump, your skin is firm, it's dense, it's hydrated. I can tell, yes, because of the foods that you eat. I mean your skin is plump, your skin is firm, it's dense, it's hydrated. I can tell this just from looking at you on the monitor. I mean it's flawless. You have minimal pores. You have beautiful, beautiful yeah, beautiful, beautiful, amazing skin.

Nika Lawrie:

Right back at you.

Kellie Olver:

Yeah, you're going to maintain this. I'm not even going to ask how old you are, but you're going to maintain this all the way through, up into your sixties as well.

Nika Lawrie:

That's, that's my goal. I want to just keep looking, you know, young and healthy and strong as long as I possibly can, and my goal is to make it to 105, anything past 105 is a bonus, but I've got to stay strong and healthy and, and you know, kicking till one oh five. So I, you know, I really think it comes down to, again, the food we eat. I know we keep saying that, but it really is.

Kellie Olver:

I have a lot of youngsters, youngsters like 30 year olds. I actually have some 26 year olds 26 to 30, early thirties coming to me and going on the program because they don't want to age like the parents have. Like, they look at me and they say I can't, you just, you don't, it's just. How do you do this? I want what you've got because I want to stay this way. I'm going to live a long time and I want my outside to reflect what's going on on the inside and vice versa.

Nika Lawrie:

Absolutely, yeah. Yeah, so I know we keep talking about processed foods and you know the, the scary word. Can we deep dive a little bit into, like, what are, in your opinion, some of the worst processed foods and and maybe why, why you feel that way about them?

Kellie Olver:

Okay, well, fast foods, I mean that's number one, because we talked about this briefly, but it's mystery meats it's also they buy. When you go to some of these fast food stores, they buy in such mass quantities and you really have to question the quality of the vegetables, the fruits, the meats, whatever, whatever they have in there, because what quality is it? They're selling it cheap. I mean, it's affordable food. I mean that in itself I would just run away from that. And then they cook it in all this oil, they fry it in oil and they take no, not paying attention to some of the other ingredients that they're putting in. Sometimes there's still corn syrup and fast food products that they sell, like in this in the sorry, sorry, mcdonald's, sorry for mentioning your name out loud. Okay, anyway, zip, zip. But you know, in my world where I used to work on a shopping channel, two national shopping channels, we were just never allowed to say brand names and I can't believe that slipped out of my mouth. So, anyway, la, la, la, yeah, we'll keep going, we'll keep going. So that's one of the reasons why I would ignore it.

Kellie Olver:

And the calorie content of it's really, really high. For example, a friend of mine was on one of these packaged food, diets, company things and I said, really. I said what are you doing? She goes I want the convenes, I want the convenes. So she said. I said, send me some of those steps. So she sent me a little packaged chicken sandwich, based at the calorie for the nutritional content, there was more filler than there was meat, it was filled with mystery chemicals, it was filled with sugar, it was filled with caramel, it was filled with preservatives, it was filled with water and of course I mean and there was very little protein. So it was probably only like maybe a two ounce piece of chicken breast that was filled with water to make it way more right.

Kellie Olver:

What's nutritious about that? There's absolutely nothing nutrition. That's why you're hungry all the time and many of you might find that you're overfed, but you're still hungry because there is no nutrition in these processed foods. The same thing if you go, a lot of people eat muffins and donuts. You know, in Canada donuts are a really big thing. There's a donut store on every corner. Trans fats, sugar, processed flour. You wonder why you're still hungry. You wonder why your skin is breaking out Terrible. Sorry, go ahead, I get excited, you're okay, go ahead.

Kellie Olver:

I just think that I do a lot of cupboard kitchen makeovers and I do them virtually as well, and so you know you're looking to see what's inside. You know from the the fake if you're going to have maple syrup.

Kellie Olver:

Have real maple syrup right. I forego the fake, because it's the mystery ingredients that the body rejects. It's the white flour that has no nutritional value, that the body just takes in as empty calories. And you wonder why you're? You're gaining weight and still hungry. You're wondering why you can't lose weight, and it's, and I, again, I don't emphasize a diet on my plan. I don't tell people to diet. That's not the answer. Just like my health has said eat. You've got to eat real food and it will take care of itself and everything will change.

Nika Lawrie:

Yeah, I love that you do kitchen edits, cause I do the same kind of thing. I I work with people to basically clean up their whole house. So I go through and we look at you know, quote unquote toxins throughout the house. We look at the food and all the all the ingredients that are in the food. We look at all the personal care products.

Nika Lawrie:

We look at all the cleaning products throughout the house and really try to identify all of these toxins and when I say toxins I use it as a very general term, but it's it's. It's ingredients and foods are toxins. Ingredients in our personal care products are toxins and they're damaging our bodies. So it's important to go through and identify those.

Kellie Olver:

Yep, one of the things that I talk to my clients about. I go. I say to them how far? If you're looking at something, how far is it from its original source? Like like, if you're looking hello, yes, okay, throw it out, all right, and it's got more. If you're looking on a package of a food or some crackers, if it's got more than seven ingredients in it or you don't recognize the name, throw it out. Period, end of story. It. You know.

Kellie Olver:

People say well, do you just eat food all the time? I do, and I I make food, I have make food, I buy real food and then I eat a very simple eating plan. A lot of people probably would say isn't that extreme? And I say I think the way that you eat is extreme when you're eating basically from the garden and you make a beautiful salad or your your fruits and vegetables and protein. That's also part of my, my eating plan. But I focus on fat, fiber and protein, protein, absolutely. Yeah, these are the three key things and as long as you, you can get by, it's just so. It's so easy to eat like real food. It's the simplest thing, there's no work involved and you don't have to worry about packaged foods and what's in it. You don't have to spend hundreds of dollars at the grocery store buying a prepackaged salad that's got more than lettuce in it. It has positives in it.

Nika Lawrie:

You know or people talk about the eating healthy can be inconvenient. It takes too much time. I don't have time to cook dinner every night, I don't have time to think about it. But you can really simplify it If you, you know, once or twice a week, just cook one large meal. Once or twice a week, add a bunch of extras like side dishes to it. So make you know.

Nika Lawrie:

Example would be maybe make some sweet potatoes, make some Brussels sprouts the way you like, you know, roast a chicken and then divide that up into different meals, and so it's literally grab and go and you can just reheat them every, you know, every couple of days, do that twice a week, and and then you have meals for literally the entire week to feed your family, to take to work with you. It doesn't have to be crazy complicated. And then on top of that you can just add in, you know, if you want a quick snack, grab a handful of blueberries or, you know, eat an apple, like there's easy snacks. You don't have to turn to those a hundred calorie sugar disaster snack packs, yeah.

Kellie Olver:

Even like protein bars. I don't eat protein bars. It's an over. It's an overpriced over. Even there's. Even though there's good things in it, there's not. They have fake sugar in them, not nine times out of 10. I make my own and I enjoy doing that. So there are ways to get your favorite treats without having to give up. You know, like the loves of your life, right? So do you? Do you get your clients saying to you but there are things that I don't want to stop Like, I can't give this up? Do you do swap outs for them?

Nika Lawrie:

Yeah, so you know, I get, I get that a lot, or they have.

Kellie Olver:

I'm interviewing you, sorry, no you're fine.

Nika Lawrie:

I I, you know I get that where I have.

Nika Lawrie:

They have specific cravings for specific things or they have like a food addiction to a specific item and I see that a lot and it's usually like a fast food kind of thing. They love something from somewhere and I usually kind of have two conversations with them. One is I make sure that they understand what's actually in that item so that they're really literate about what they are putting into their body and they can make the choice to continue eating it or not. But the the other thing I talk about is that when you start to change your diet or your eating habits, your taste buds change, your microbiome and your gut changes, and so that affects your cravings and your hormones, and so your your, your cravings and desires change over time. And so, um, understanding that loop, that cycle and it, it definitely takes a couple days to detox. It's not always an easy thing, but if you can detox from whatever that food is that you're craving, um, in the long run you can. You can um kind of push it out by bringing in healthier options.

Kellie Olver:

And that goes back to you are what you absorb and everybody thinks you are what you eat and that that is true. But if you're not digesting and breaking down the food, the bet to the to the optimum peak performance that your body is capable of, right. And if not extracting, then if your body isn't extracting the nutrients, so it can be absorbed, okay. And here's the other thing If you a lot of people have leaky gut, so you'll get this stuff going on down there, you'll get a seepage and a lot of people have a buildup of debris lining inside of their colon. So, and that is where the nutrients get absorbed. So if your colon is clogged, brain fog, headache, tired, lethargic, that's because your body is not able to maximize the amount of nutrients that should be absorbed. Instead, they get released or some of them end up lining the inside of the colon. Which is why detoxing is so important.

Kellie Olver:

My clients, all of my gout, whether they're on the ageless program or just some of the younger gouts who are looking for particular pointers. First thing I say to everybody do the detox. And I recommend I. I've been detoxing pretty much twice a year. I do fall and spring the gentle detox or I do a juice cleanse. When I, when I just want, when I want juice, you know I want, I want to hit a nutrition and but when you just get that gunk out from the inside of your colon, you're going to find that everything changes. Everything just starts feeling better, and that's one of the reasons why detoxes are so successful.

Nika Lawrie:

You know, I see, I see detoxes work and I see, you know, it's pretty much the same thing. But a little different is the elimination diet too. And so when you know people will start removing the highly inflammatory foods you're thinking dairy, you're thinking gluten, soy products, corn products, anything that's really covered in high pesticides and herbicides, those kinds of things you start removing out those foods from your daily intake. You start to see your system clear up quite a bit as well.

Kellie Olver:

I'm thinking about the. I've never done an elimination because I just eat so clean. I'm actually going to try one. I don't know what else I can eliminate, though.

Nika Lawrie:

Usually when we do the elimination diet, it's you know somebody who's struggling with an autoimmune issue, and it's it's a useful tool to help identify what that specific inflammatory food may be for that specific person. Um, you know, for instance, I I've talked about it many times on the show I have a case in allergy, so, um, so most people a case in allergy, and so, um, most people are lactose intolerant, but I'm actually allergic to the case and in the milk, and so I can't have dairy. Um, and so it's it's figuring out how to identify those things that are causing issues, and so it can be a really useful tool in that sense.

Kellie Olver:

All right, I'm going to ask you a question, seeing as though I've got you one-on-one. Yes, so my autoimmune is called oral lichen planus and oral lichen planus. I read all of the foods to eliminate. They're all anti-inflammatory foods. That's for an eye. Yeah, something to ponder. I said I can't, I can't. What do you want me to eat? White bread? Yeah, like, really interesting, anyway, that's interesting. Anyway, another topic another time, another topic.

Nika Lawrie:

I haven't heard of your specific um, or I'm not really familiar with it, so I would definitely have to deep dive to kind of figure out more. But that that is fascinating, so it is I.

Kellie Olver:

I anyway. Anyway, they don't know what causes it and they claim that there is no cure for it. But I will prove them wrong. Yeah and simple all natural, all natural, all natural, no steroids, no nothing.

Nika Lawrie:

Wonderful. I love that. So, kelly, this has been amazing. I know you and I could go on and on about foods and nutrition and processed foods and all of that kind of stuff, but for the sake of time and for the sake of the listeners ears, um, I want to move us forward to the quick fire questions to kind of wrap up the show. But before I get to those questions, can you share? Where can the listeners connect with you? How can they find you online and learn more about your ageless program and all your good stuff? You got going on All right?

Kellie Olver:

Well, they can go to my website, which is wwwkellyolivercom, and I. My mandate for 2022 is to populate my YouTube channel where I'll be doing like 10, 12 minute videos on everything wellness, beauty, nutrition, skin and what ails you and what ages you, and motivation and inspiration. So we'll have to find other ways to collaborate in the future.

Nika Lawrie:

to make sure, I would love to.

Kellie Olver:

I would love to.

Nika Lawrie:

So, kelly, are you ready for the quick fire questions? I am Awesome. Okay, so the very first one what is your favorite or most impactful book, podcast or documentary, and why?

Kellie Olver:

Oh my gosh, there are so many. I'm like my mind is going blank Pass. I'll come back to that.

Nika Lawrie:

No worries, maybe phone a friend. Lifeline yes, okay. So my next question. You've given several already, but what is your best toxin-free or maybe eco-friendly living tip?

Kellie Olver:

wow my toxin free. Or clean out your kitchen. Clean out your kitchen, especially your cooking utensils. That's where you get a lot of sneaky hidden things that are going on that you don't know about. People might still be using plastic. You might still be using. You might still be using a plastic cutting board you might. There's silicone grade utensils and packaging items like little baggies that you can get that are reusable, so they're eco-friendly. Silicone grade is easy on the body, so it's tested for the body, it's acceptable. It's not harmful for your body. So that would be my number one tip right there I love that.

Nika Lawrie:

I'm a big proponent for getting rid of any plastic that you possibly can. I think you know understanding the damage that comes from one, the micro particles of the plastic, but to all the chemical reactions inside the body as well. Yep, okay, next one, okay, next one. What does conscious living mean to you?

Kellie Olver:

It means being incredibly present, it means not being in your head, it means it's easier for me to say what it's not. So I'm going to get going to get really cozy here. I keep sticking in my chair. We're so busy running around on this planet. We're thinking about the kids, we're thinking about the bills, we're thinking about what we got to do tomorrow, we think about what we're going to eat, thinking about, you know, about just not having enough time. The one thing we're not thinking about is ourselves.

Kellie Olver:

We're not staying present in this exact moment. So right now, when I'm looking at you, right now, I have shifted into a very grounded, central place where all I see and all I feel is what's going on right now, in this moment.

Nika Lawrie:

Absolutely yeah.

Kellie Olver:

Things like when you're eating, how you pick up the fork and eating the food, and experiencing eating the food in your mouth and what it actually tastes like Taking a second, a nanosecond, to like which I happen to do with some believe it or not lemon water. I drank some lemon water and I was like oh my gosh, and I just experienced the lemon water moving back and forth on my taste buds, on my tongue, and I thought this is amazing.

Nika Lawrie:

So good yeah.

Kellie Olver:

And and I understand that is ambitious, but but it is possible to do it's baby step, one step at a time the more you practice like yoga, practice conscious living, being aware of your environment rather than just thinking about what's happening next. And my tip to you on this my best advice is check in several times throughout the day. Where are you? Are you in your head? Are you thinking? Because you'll know when you're thinking, because you're from I can tell you how it feels. To me, it feels that everything is going on up here and then, when I stop and check in, it's like whoa got my shoulders and then I bring all of this energy down into my body and into my feet and then I just sit there for a few moments to experience what it feels like. And the more you do this, the more you'll be able to tap into this, the more conscious living will you. And conscious living will become one where it will be easier each and every day as you go along.

Nika Lawrie:

Absolutely. I couldn't agree more. I think you know with so many of us, you know you did kind of the in the head thing and I I almost think of it like a halo around the head is that we kind of always live in this outer, out of body thing. We just kind of keep moving and out of body. Yeah, and it's so rare that we actually bring ourselves back into our body and kind of center ourselves and and give ourselves enough space to just feel and listen to what's going on in there.

Kellie Olver:

And that's also important for your subconscious mind. You know your subconscious mind. You know by the time you're six you've got some patterns that are totally set and it rules like 90, 95% of your conscious, of your daily decisions. And so when your subconscious mind wants to get your attention cause it's not happy about something, if you don't listen, it will get your attention. It will definitely, it will grab you until you pay attention to it. So I have found that the best way, the best language to communicate to your subconscious mind, and that is with self-care.

Kellie Olver:

And that is taking the time to have a hot bath with Epsom salts. No phone. Put the phone away, don't. It's not about the kids. It's not about you know what your what your husband doing. Not about the kids. It's not about you know what your what your husband doing. Not about work tomorrow. It's about you in the water and it's feeling the heat on your body, feeling the water trickle on your body, just having that experience that speaks to your subconscious mind that you love you. And that's the fastest way to start letting go of limiting beliefs, transforming the language that sometimes you even speak to yourself, which might not be the most kindest language.

Nika Lawrie:

Absolutely yeah, yeah but it will change.

Kellie Olver:

If you start taking care of you first, you must.

Nika Lawrie:

Love it, kelly. Well, this has been absolutely phenomenal. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to connect with you, for all of the knowledge that you've shared with the listeners today, and just for being here. So thank you, kelly, very much.

Kellie Olver:

Thank you, it's been such a pleasure. Thank you so very, very much, and God bless you Many blessings.

Nika Lawrie:

Right back at you, thank you Bye-bye.

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