Autism In Real Life

Episode 58: Gender Identity & Autism Research a conversation with Verun Warrier

February 24, 2021 Ilia Walsh, Executive Director of The Spectrum Strategy Group Season 1 Episode 58

I saw a Spectrum News article come across my email on Gender Identity and Autism and I was very interested in finding out more.  Having worked as the Director of Adult Services at AANE, there were many people I worked with who were exploring their gender and/or their gender expression.  I also worked with many parents and families  who were looking to find resources and  understand what their child was experiencing  so they could better support them.  

I think this is such an important topic and was able to get in touch with the lead researcher for this most recent study.  Join me for this interesting and informative conversation.  

Varun Warrier is a postdoctoral researcher at the Autism Research Centre, University of Cambridge. He primarily works on using genetics to understand heterogeneity in mental health conditions, including the intersection between autism and other mental health conditions.

Here are links to the study and the Spectrum News article referenced in the podcast: