Living At Your Finest

Is Eat Less, Exercise More The Solution For Obesity?

March 04, 2022 Season 2 Episode 64

Yesterday was #WorldObesityDay. A time to raise awareness of the root causes of obesity and how we can change the way we speak and care for people with obesity.

Please ACT now and be a part of the solution to decrease and gradually eliminate obesity in both adults and children. 

Our #wordsmatter to either worsen the situation or provide a supportive environment for healthy weight.

In this episode, you'll understand:
✨The Importance of our language when dealing with Obesity?
✨Why Our Weight Matters
✨Where to locate Suitable and Compassionate Healthcare Providers to assist with your weight management journey and the expectation of the visit.

Visit and to learn more and support this important day of global advocacy for obesity care.

Hope you can check it out and share the love of wellness with others.

Cheers to Being A Part of the Solution to End The Obesity Crisis and Weight Bias ❤️🍸

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#helpforobesity, #rethinkobesity, #fightingobesity, #obesitycareweek,