Living At Your Finest

Challenging Myself To A Marathon

September 09, 2022 DR.BABS Season 2 Episode 75

Did you know that globally, there are between 2500 and 4000 marathons each year with approximately 11 million marathon runners? 

Interestingly, 52% and 55% of marathon entrants are first-time marathon runners.

It had always been on my bucket list to run a marathon to stretch myself, so I thought there was no better time than this moment. Time never stands still, so jump in daily like it was your late opportunity. A motto I try to live by every day. 

I am excited to share my marathon journey on this first episode of the second year of the LIVING AT YOUR FINEST PODCAST SHOW. I discuss
✨ My WHY for running a marathon and the training.
✨ The Day of Marathon.
✨ The Lesson Learned and Best Practices for Running a Marathon or any race.

Do you know anyone that can benefit from listening to this episode? Please do share this episode with them. #SharingisCaring. 

Cheers to Stretching Your Limits. 🥂

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