Living At Your Finest

Strategies To Setting Goals To Create The Finest You

December 18, 2020 Dolapo Babalola MD: Episode 18 Episode 18

The Finest Me? Well, this is commonly the time of the year when we reflect on the old and create new Health Goals so we can show up in the world stronger and improved. Sounds like "New Year Resolutions", right?  I promise that is not it.

In this episode of the #FridayFunPodcast, I will discuss the 4 top clear and specific strategies to creating sustainable Holistic Health goals that will set us up for success and there is no need to wait until the New Year to start planning.

Excerpt from Dr. Babs
Thinking about these goals this way buttresses your commitment to a specific result, creates a concrete purpose with clearer ideas, and focuses on endeavors which is measurable for quick appropriate adjustments. No failures just adjustments because lessons are learned along every journey 

Living At Your Finest (LAYF) Champion of the Week: Sharon Smith, Active ToastMaster Official. Thanks for sharing your great win. She speaks about the tremendous benefits of journaling. Don't miss it!

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Tags: Goal Setting, Living At Your Finest, Healthier Together, Holistic Health, Dr.Babs.