Disrupting Burnout

25. Purpose is Going to Cost you Something

Dr. Patrice Buckner Jackson Episode 25

In this episode of the Heart Work with PBJ podcast, Dr. Patrice Buckner Jackson dispels the myth that living in purpose makes everything easy.  The truth is Purpose is going to cost you something.  

  • There will always be responsibilities you do not enjoy
  • There will be times that you do not feel like doing the parts you do enjoy 
  • Also, if you are burnout prone, you still need to guard yourself against overwhelm.

The question is, "What are you willing to sacrifice?"

The waitlist for the Heart Work Academy is open.  Be sure to join the waitlist in order to have the first opportunity to register for the summer academy.  Seats are limited to 15 people.  Do not delay.  Join the waitlist today:  www.heartworkacademy.com

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Hey, friends, this is Dr. Patrice Buckner Jackson. But you can call me PBJ. Welcome to another episode of the Heart Work with PBJ Podcast, where we are disrupting cycles of burnout for people who do their work from the heart. Listen, if you are a hard worker, you work in purpose, you work in calling you work in compassion, you give everything to everybody that tells me that there's a cost, there's a cost for what you do. And this is the place that you can come to learn to do the work that you're called to do without losing the life you desire. Friends, I am so glad that you all continue to join me for these conversations. It is my honor to come here and share with you. So welcome to another episode. Friends, I've got an announcement before we get into our episode today. So the wait list is open. The weight is over, the waitlist is open. For those of you who are interested in joining me this summer for the Heart Work Academy. Listen, friends, we're gonna be working through this thing together. There are some things that you can do to disrupt burnout in your life, to make sure that you are working and doing the work you're called to do without losing the life you desire. I'm going to teach you what I learned the hard way over eight years of how to do purpose work without losing yourself and everything else that means something to you. So if that is something that you need, you need to go on over to the waitlist and get signed up right now. Now hear me closely. Hear me closely, the waitlist will be open to join first, I'm only accepting 15 people, only accepting 15 people. This is a very intimate experience, I want to make sure that I can serve everybody very well. So once I have 15 doors will close. So if you want the best chance of having an opportunity to register for the Academy, you need to go over to www dot heart work academy.com. Again, that's hard work academy.com join the waitlist. Now, registration opens and doors open on April 21. Again, the waitlist will have access first. As soon as I have 15 people it closes. So make sure you get signed up on that waitlist so that you don't miss the opportunity to register to spend some time with us this summer. It's a seven week program. And y'all I promise, I promise you, it's transformational. If this podcast is helpful to you, you ain't seen nothing yet. So get over there and get signed up for the waitlist heart work academy.com. So you do not miss the opportunity to get registered. All right, let's get into this episode. Today, we are talking about the cost of purpose work. So y'all know that we have been discussing, starting with you, if you want to disrupt burnout, instead of just paying attention to your to do list instead of just paying attention to the people you need to serve, you got to start with you. Because if you don't start with you, your task, and other people will always run your life. And then starting with you, you got to focus on your values, your energy, your motivation, your purpose, your priorities and your sacrifice. So I want to make sure that we continue this conversation. We know now from Episode 24. If you haven't had a chance to go over and listen to that you need to go check out Episode 24 where we talk about burnout is born from living out of alignment. So it's not about having too many things to do. It's not about having a full calendar. But it's about living out of alignment that things on your calendar and the things that you are doing. Do not align with who you are and who you were created to be. So you need to go over and check out Episode 24 if you haven't had a chance to do that. Today, though, I wanted to come and just clarify some things. I want to make sure that we are having an honest conversation as we talk about how to disrupt burnout because I do not want to present a picture to you that is unfair and untrue. The truth is even in living in purpose, even in starting with you purpose, it's going to cost you something even when you're living in alignment It's not gonna be puppies and rainbows and unicorns every day, if puppies and rainbows and unicorns are your thing, okay, it's not going to be rosy every day, it won't be perfect every day, even when things are in alignment, there are going to be some tough choices and sacrifices that you'll have to make. And you're, I'm here to tell you, though, that there's a difference because burnout is a thief, burnout, what cost you the things that matter most to you, burnout will come from the things that you don't want to give, but purpose cost you as well, the difference is you get to choose what you're gonna pay, you get to choose what you're going to give up. So that's what I want to talk to you today about the cost of burnout. I remember, as I was building my career and going through the paces, at every level, or every step, I got to, I always assumed that that next level was perfect. And so when I was a coordinator, I thought, Man, when I become a director, this is gonna be so much easier, because it feels like all the work has been passed down to me, when I became a director, like, gosh, if I could just be an Associate Vice President, because it really looks like they have the cushy job. So if I can get to associate vice president that everything that is hard for me right now, it's gonna be smooth sailing. And then I got to Vice or I got to a VP. And like, man, if I can just be a vice president, if I can be a vice president, that's where the real living happens. Here's the truth of friends, there is a new level of sacrifice required for every level you make it to, there is a new level of sacrifice required at every level you make it to. So no matter where you are, right now, there is sacrifice required of you. But guess what, when you are promoted, when you move forward, when you open that business, when you finish that degree, whatever the next step is for you, there will be a level of sacrifice required there. Now, it's not the level of sacrifice that will take you out, it's not a level of sacrifice, that will steal everything that means most to you. But there is a level of sacrifice. So we've got to have a whole conversation. You know, we can watch YouTube or look on social media. And, you know, people like I left my job and started my own business. And I made a million in this amount of time, and, but what they not telling you is they live in in the basement of their parents home, and they don't have to pay utilities, and they don't have to pay for food, we're not telling the whole story, we've got to tell the whole story. And we've got to be honest, to make sure that we understand that no matter what you're created or call to do, it is going to require you to sacrifice something. But the key is you get to choose your sacrifice. What are you willing to give in any area, in any arena, at any level you are at right now, there are some times that you're going to have to sacrifice, there are going to be pieces of your responsibility that you don't like to do, that you may not be great at, that's a stretch for you, or even stressful for you. But you're gonna have to learn how to do those pieces. You know, when I'm coaching my team, I try to encourage them, it's not good enough just to be fantastic at one thing, and then just leave the rest out. In order to do the thing that you love, you got to do the other pieces too. You know, for me, I don't love budgeting. I don't love the process that comes along with doing budgets, and you know, our, our higher ed arena, there are a lot of hoops to jump a lot of rules to know a lot of steps, a lot of things not my favorite thing. I'm actually not great at it. So I have to spend more time more concentration, more investment to get it right than maybe somebody who loves it, because it's just not my thing. But guess what, if I refuse to spend the time to do those budgets, right, then I will no longer have access to do the parts of my job that I love because somebody else will be doing my job. You have to learn how to do the pieces that you don't necessarily love to do. And please acknowledge that no matter what level you're on or what you're doing. There will be pieces that you don't love to do. Even if you're working for yourself. When you have a full team and you have staffed your weaknesses. They're going to be pieces of leadership that you have to do that you might not love. Maybe it's conflict management. Maybe it's confrontation with a staff member, whenever it's necessary. As the leader the responsibility falls to you. So there's always going to be something that you have to give. There is no utopia. That you're going to arrive that at one day that does not require you to sacrifice something, purpose is going to cost you some less. Think about the pieces that you love to do. Even in the pieces that you love to do, you will not always feel like doing them, you will not always feel like doing the things that it takes to carry out your purpose. You may know exactly what you're created to do and who you're created to serve, you may be very clear on what your shine is, what your magic is, what your zone of genius is. And that's a phenomenal place to be. Because I'm telling you, it gives you freedom, it gives you direction, but it still cost you something, it still cost you something, you won't always feel like doing the thing that even you love to do, but you make the decision to be consistent, you make the decision to give you make the decision to serve, because you know, it's what you are called to do. Now y'all know I love Jesus, I'm a Christian and I and I understand that everybody in our community is not a Christian, you're always welcome here. But I also know that you all know who I am. So I say that to say the main example that came to my mind is Jesus. And I'm not saying that my sacrifice is anywhere close to what Jesus sacrificed. So please don't hear me wrong. But I do believe that he's the ultimate example of sacrifice. Jesus knew exactly what he was created for. He knew exactly what he came to earth to do. He was never confused. He never needed a clarity coach. He knew exactly what his role was. It doesn't mean it was easy for him to do it. He still had a garden of get seminary moment where he asked the father if it be your will let this cup pass. Don't make me do this. If it if it's okay with you, can I just not? Can I not suffer? Can I not die? Can I not go through this. But nevertheless, so he didn't stop the prayer there. Nevertheless, not my will. But your will be done. Whatever you need me to do, I'm willing to do it. Your purpose will not always be cushy, beautiful, it will not always be easy. Purpose is going to cost you something. And acknowledging that is important. Also, remember in Episode 18, where we discussed, if you are burnout, prone, or burnout proof, please know that if you are burnout prone, even in working in purpose, even in being in in alignment, even in working in your zone of genius, you're still burnout prone. So what does that mean? You still have to guard your heart and guard yourself against doing too much, taking on too much being too busy allowing busy to creep in. So you can't be productive. You still have to guard yourself. If you are burnout, prone, you're still going to be burnout prone, even in the midst of purpose. So you have to be wise enough to know what your triggers are. And what are those things that will take you into overwhelm? What are those things that will take you out of what you're supposed to be doing in this season? Every good idea is not for now. Sometimes we have to say no to have a better Yes. So what are the things that you should be saying no to right now should be your sacrifice right now that you'll come back to later. So recognize if you are burnout prone, that means even in the midst of purpose, even in the midst of being in alignment, even in the midst of doing what you're supposed to do, you could still fall into overwhelm and lead yourself to burnout by taking on too much. So you have to know who you are. You have to know what your triggers are, and how to guard yourself. Purpose is going to cost you something. So let me ask you a question today. What are your chosen sacrifice? What are your chosen sacrifices? What are you willing to lay down today that will allow you to live in alignment and live in purpose and do what you're supposed to be doing in this moment. And in this season? See perspective is everything. When you know you are making the choice, then you acknowledge that you're laying it down on purpose doesn't mean forever. You can go pick it up in a different season. But you've made a decision of what costs you're going to pay when you don't make that choice, then burn outcomes and without your permission, it takes things. It will take things away from you. So wisdom tells us that we have to determine what we are willing to pay. What cost are you willing to pay for the season you're in right now. So let me give you a couple examples. Right now I am building my business. So I'm building Educare. By doing this podcast with you all by posting to social media, by doing workshops by the Academy, this summer, speeches, conferences, there's a whole lot going on. I recognize that this is the season for me to build this business. But I am still working full time a whole job, you hear me not just 40 hours a week, like my students, college students, they don't just exist eight to five college students really like late at night, and sometimes in the middle of the night. Okay, I'm on call right now. So I understand that. So even though this is the season for me to build my business, I am also still serving in my career. So what does that mean? There has to be some sacrifices somewhere. In order for me to do both things. Well, I cannot do everything. So I have to determine what my cost is going to be right now is Saturday. And I would love to just have a Saturday just to chill, sit on the patio, enjoy the cool air. I mean, that's wonderful. And every now and then I might do that. But in this season of my life, I understand that Saturday is a work day for me, in order for me to build Educare and to be everything that I need to be for my family and my job. I need to work on Saturdays right now, will this be forever? No. But in this season, this is my sacrifice. This is something that I have to give, I give up a lot of evenings, at least an hour or so after work. So I don't come home and put my feet up. Because once my job is over, then my next job picks up, that's the season that I'm in. That is the sacrifice that I choose. And knowing that I choose that sacrifice gives me the perspective that I need in order to get it done. Because in my mind, I'm not upset about giving up a Saturday, because I gave it up. Nobody took it from me. I'm not upset about working another hour or two after I get off work if necessary. Because I give that nobody took it from me. Nobody mandated it from me, I am giving that on purpose as a sacrifice for the season that I am in. So your perspective on it is so important. What are you giving in this season, maybe you're raising young children. And in this season, you may be giving up something else that you could be doing a promotion, another job, a business, an education. And I'm not saying everybody has to give up everything because of their children, please hear me because you can do more than one thing at the same time. I'm doing it right now. But you got to decide when the season is right. Because you can't have everything, you can have more than one thing, but you can't have everything at the same time. So what are you giving up in this season, maybe you are a student. And because you are a student, you're giving up a lot of your social life, maybe you're in a relationship or not in a relationship with like a relationship, but your time doesn't allow for it. It may be your cost in the season. It's not forever. You know, I was trying to encourage one of my one of my colleagues now but he was my student as well. He's pursuing a doctorate degree full time job, the whole thing. And I had to encourage him, that anything that's going to serve you well, for the rest of your life is worth two years today. Anything that's gonna serve you well for the rest of your life. It's worth the temporary sacrifice now. So what are you willing to give friends purpose, don't come for free. Living in alignment doesn't come for free. being who you are doesn't come for free. You got to pay something. So either decide what you're going to pay or allow overwhelming burnout to come take it from you. Let me give you another example. When I was working through my doctorate, and I was working full time, more than 40 hours a week, had a family had responsibilities at my church, all of those things going on at the same time. There were things in my life I had to say no to there were some sleepless nights. There were some events that I missed. There was some hanging out and connecting with people that I missed because in that season, I had a focus and it was the time for me to get that done. So there were other things that I had to lay down and let go of in order to get that done. Now once that doctrine was done, then that opened up more time for me to do other things or go back to some things that I had to let go of for a season. But I had to make a decision in order to be finished in order to get it done. I was willing to make some sacrifice and let some things go. So what is your sacrifice for this season? What are you willing to give, so that you can do what you need to do? Maybe you're in the season now that you're caring for your family, but you're also caring for your your parents. So you've got your children on one side, and you got your parents on the other and everybody needs you. Maybe that's your season. And once you acknowledge during that season, what sacrifice Do you need to make in order to be what you need to be in this season? perspective is everything. It doesn't have to be taken from you, you can give it made the decision or what you're going to give and have a good attitude about it. recognize that this is the season that I'm in. And every season calls for sacrifice. Purpose cost you something. So again, friends, this is still encouragement, this is still good news. I cannot give you this bubblegum story. Like once you're in alignment, and once you're in purpose, it's just gonna be easy and smooth sailing child, as long as you are in this life. As long as you are in this world, we're going to have trouble. And we're going to have challenge and things will come up and things will happen. But we don't have to be discouraged by that. Because we're learning how to manage our lives instead of allowing our lives to manage us. So what are you willing to be who you were called to be? What are you willing to pay? What is your sacrifice? That's what I got for you friends. I hope you got something out of this episode. Again, if you are interested in joining us, for the heart work Academy, you need to make sure that you go to heart work academy.com get signed up for the waitlist, y'all there's already plenty of people on the waitlist, I got to close it at 15 because I can't serve more than that Well, in this season of my life. So if you're at all interested in joining us for The Academy, get on the waitlist, so you will have one of the first opportunities to register once we hit 15 is over. Okay, so I just want to be honest with you. So sign up for the waitlist and you will get updates. You'll know when Registration is open first. So you want to do that. And also make sure you're following me on Instagram@drpatricebucknerjackson. Again,@drpatricebucknerjackson and that's where you'll get your spoonful of PBJ every Monday and of course, a new episode of Heart Work with PBJ on Wednesdays, y'all. I love you. And I am so grateful that we get to do this journey together. And that is the best thing we can do for each other is to do it together. You are not alone. We are in this together. hard workers need people. We need each other. So don't you ever forget that you are significant? You are powerful, and you are loved. Love always PBJ

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