Gutsy Health | Nutrition and Medicine

S2E7 - Keep It Simple & Let's Go Back To Basic with Ryan Blaser

Juanique Roney & Gina Worful Season 2 Episode 7

Show Summary: "Healing doesn't happen overnight. And the stress around your Healing could be more detrimental than the toxins that you're exposing yourself to."

Contrary to popular belief, maintaining good health habits is not as expensive as you think. We have to keep things simple, and we just have to go back to basics. 

So for this episode, we have our frequent flier once again, Ryan Blaser of Test my Home, discuss the different life aspects that we should always keep in check for us to stay in good shape. Holistic Healing is not just about exercise and food; it also includes the environment and mindset.

We do not have to follow complicated procedures to be healthy, and we just have to learn essential habits. We do not have to pressure ourselves into doing things that are hard for us to accomplish. We have to be comfortable with our bodies, love what we do, and always choose joy. 

Listen to our sharing as good friends and pick up a few lessons on keeping yourself and your family's good health. We do not want to keep this knowledge to ourselves. Please share this episode with all of your family and loved ones who you know can benefit and live a happier and healthier lifestyle. 


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Exceptional Highlights:

  • Movement stimulates your brain. It creates neurotransmitters that make you feel good &  motivated.
  • Eat to live; not live to eat..
  • When you analyze dust, it's made up of dead skin cells, insect parts, insect feces, broken down foams, and plant material. If you ingest that, it will be a toxic load in your body. 

Show Highlights:

Where should we start?

Ryan 6:17

  • We should start with fitness. I'm no fitness instructor, but I used to be quite overweight. You can get detailed with how you work out and what you do. When should you do cardio, when should you do the lifting, but,  get simple with it and move your body and do what makes you happy. Do what you feel good doing.

What about nutrition? 

Juanique 13:45

  • Get eight servings of vegetables a day. People say that's so hard, and eight servings are like half a cup of compacted veggies. You can start with four cups of vegetables.

What about mental health and spirituality?

Ryan 37:13

  • I know that in my life, when I start to feel stressed out or feel overwhelmed or sad, one of the things that help is to think of 12 things you're thankful for. Or do a random nice thing for somebody else. 

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Episodes with Ryan

Sleep Sanctuary

Mold Contamination

15 Easy Steps To Create A Healthy Living Environment

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