Gutsy Health | Nutrition and Medicine

S2E8 - The Order of Healing

Juanique Roney & Gina Worful

Show Summary: "The Gutsy Membership's Order of Healing is purely based on science; it's the depths of science and healing into a simple roadmap." 

You, becoming self-healing champions, has always been our top priority since the beginning of this podcast. This is why we continuously create content and programs that will help you better understand how to heal your body with less struggle, confusion, & frustrations. 

We know how challenging it is for others to heal, from a mind level & cellular level. Because from the past years, we have been programmed to address only the symptoms, not the root cause. And here at the Gutsy Health podcast, we always want to figure out what possible reasons contribute to one's current sickness on a deeper level. May it be the endocrine disruptors you had when you were still a child.

This inspired the creation of the Gutsy Membership's "The Order of Healing," which has the simplest & most straightforward approach to healing. And in this episode, Juanique & Gina share its importance up to the energetic & cellular level so healing can smoothly flow without band-aiding everything & feeling like you’re carrying a boulder uphill. 

Please share this with your friends and family who have been looking for simpler ways to heal. Join our membership program if you are ready to become a self-healing expert this year!


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Exceptional Highlights:

  • You got to get your gut running like a well-oiled machine to set you up for healing.
  • If you're eating a lot of fiber and a lot of highly nutritious foods, you're already detoxing. Still, our issue is that the standard American diet doesn't supply those foods that give the liver the necessary molecules to detoxify.
  • When the body controls the mechanisms, it will most likely win because the body's designed to do that.

Show Highlights:

First order of healing — Mindset

Juanique 12:12

  • Mindset is exploring your shadow self & your subconscious belief systems that your body is programmed to run from. Mindset is diving into traumas that have put your brain into a fight or flight response almost 24/7.

Second order of healing — Mitochondria

Juanique 16:22

  • Mitochondria are the batteries to your cells. The healthier the mitochondria are in your body, the more energy and resources you will have to have your body heal itself.

Third order of healing — Gut

Juanique 20:08

  • Your gut is the root system of the rest of your body. And if the roots in a tree are dying, it dies. So if you have inflammation in your gut, if your gut is on fire, that's like the root system to a tree is on fire.

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