Gutsy Health | Nutrition and Medicine

Ayurvedic Living with Claire Ragozzino

January 05, 2021 Juanique and Tristin Roney Season 1 Episode 76

Show Summary: "How we're moving through the course of a day, eventually becomes how we move through the course of a week and a month, which shapes our health."

Ayurveda is a five-thousand-year-old holistic health model with branches in general medicine, pediatrics, geriatrics, diseases of the head & neck, toxicology, and surgery, but it mainly focuses on preventative medicine. It teaches us how to understand our relationship with nature, including seasonal foods and practices.

Like Chinese medicine, it is also an elemental model; Air, Space, Fire, Water, and Earth. DOSHA categorizes the elements that help you better understand how to get the right balance during the change of seasons. Paying attention to every subtle shift enables you to get the best experience and prevents diseases.

Listen as Claire Ragozzino, a holistic nutritionist and the author of the new book the Living Ayurveda, breaks down everything you should know about its benefits and how it works. Learn how to use gunas properly to start creating the balance you need for a healthy life.

Important Links

Gutsy Health Website

Provo Health Instagram

Claire Ragozzino’s Website

Living Ayurveda Book 

Exceptional Highlight:

  • We are just an extension of nature. The further we step away from nature, the sicker we get.
  • In your winter diet, you naturally have an increase in appetite. It's not just because of the holidays, and everyone's aware, but you need to eat more to build more bulk for your body to stay in balance..
  • Ayurvedic food is not strictly vegetarian.

Show Highlights: 

What path did she take to end up a yoga teacher, a holistic nutritionist, and an Ayurvedic practitioner?

Claire 2:00

  • Let's go back to age seven because I give a shout out to my mom. She was in a pretty bad fatal car accident and I found yoga back when yoga was still pretty fringe.

What is Ashtanga Yoga?

Claire 7:25

  • Hot yoga and Vinyasa yoga, and all these styles came from Ashtanga Yoga, a more vinyasa style, practice and Ashta means eight.

Did she study Ayurveda in India?

Claire 24:55

  • Well, I started doing some studies in India. And then when I had come back, I was still really having the raw foods trip. "If I can just eat all raw, I'm gonna find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow." and somewhere around that turning point, I realized, “Okay, this isn't quite the path I want to take.” 

That's when I really started diving into my Ayurveda studies.

What is Ayurveda?

Jennifer 37:46

  • The literal translation of a Sanskrit word is the Science of Life. One even more poetic is the Art of Living.

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