Gutsy Health | Nutrition and Medicine

Covid-19 Vaccine — Should You Take It

Juanique and Tristin Roney Season 1 Episode 79

Show Summary: "Vaccines are meant to stimulate your immune system."

The pandemic has been testing the mental, physical and emotional well-being of people worldwide since it started. Many felt the fear of losing their lives or their loved ones because of how dangerous it has become. Wearing masks, face shields, and social distancing are now the new norm. Restrictions are everywhere to prevent the virus from spreading and taking the lives of many. The decrease in economic growth has been felt, especially in third-world countries.

But the question is, until when do we suffer from this? Now that vaccines are developed, many believe and hope that the pandemic is soon coming to an end. However, it sparks multiple reactions and emotions from different people. Some are afraid to get it, while others can't wait to be vaccinated.

"Is it safe for all ages?"

"Will it prevent the transmission?"

"If taken, does it mean your 100 percent protected from the virus?"

In this episode, Dr. Bradley Campbell of Integrated Holistic Healthcare in Wilmette, IL, and author of "Do I Have Adrenal Fatigue" book, shares his experiences with vaccines since he was a child up to the present. As a kid, he and his sister were doing a regular vaccine schedule, but they had different reactions to it, which made him more curious about its risks and benefits. However, many people in the natural community are skeptical about it, so find out what he has to say  about  the effects of vaccines.

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Exceptional Highlight:

  • It's not like they're perfectly safe and it's not like they don't do anything at all.
  • Doing research takes a long time to do, sometimes it takes years  or decades, it can take a full career to prove a medical point..
  • Fever helps you create long term defense.

Show Highlights: 

Who is Dr. Bradley Campbell?

Dr. Bradley 2:15

  •  I went to Chiropractic and Naturopathic school and got finished with my chiropractic degree and got that from National University of Health Sciences in Lombard Illinois.

How long does the vaccine is supposed to last?

Dr. Bradley  3:23

  • Once it becomes past the tipping point where tons of people have had this thing, it's likely to become endemic, sort of like a flu or cold season, where it might last forever, or it could last for five years or 10 years before it sort of dwindles down...

His history with vaccinations

Dr. Bradley 7:39

  • My family has some genetic traits, which can make us a little more susceptible to issues with detoxification, allergies and autoimmunity

The effects of the pandemic

Dr. Bradley 38:36

  • We've learned how much we need to touch people and be in real connection with people and in person. All these CEOs who are like, “Wow, we can't wait to have everybody work from home and you're going to be more productive and get more work done.” They're gonna be with their kids. And then they're like, “Wow, they're actually less creative.”

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