Gutsy Health | Nutrition and Medicine

Neurological Effects Of Sugar & Insulin

Juanique and Tristin Roney Season 1 Episode 93

Show Summary: “Give your brain a break, let it be the true hybrid engine that it wants to be, and quit depriving it of this alternative or additional fuel, namely ketones.”

A lot of people have requested for Dr. Benjamin Bikman to be in the podcast again, and he's back with more valuable information that can save you and your family's lives! In the 89th episode, he discussed how glucose could kill and how it triggers different diseases when it goes up. Now, he'll discuss how it could affect the human body's neurological health.

When the brain is hungry, it can cause neurological problems. It's because the brain can't get enough energy from glucose, and there are simply no ketones around to provide the alternative fuel. Sadly, people usually eat sugary & starchy foods that don't have ketones, depriving the brain of what it needs.

Also, reductions in brain glucose use have been detected in those suffering from migraines which are also evident in Epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease. Listen carefully as Dr. Benjamin breaks down the lethal effects of glucose & lack of ketones in the brain. Share this with your friends and family and learn how to protect yourself from neurological illnesses by trimming down your sugar intake.

Exceptional Highlight:

  • If someone's eating french fries that have been fried in soybean oil, they are getting every fat molecule on there because the oil has become an oxidized or a peroxide version of itself.
  • Insulin may take up to three hours or more to come back down to where it was before. If we can never stop eating, we bump it back up again before insulin gets back down to fasting or baseline levels.
  • When ketones are available in the blood, the brain will get 75% of all of its energy from ketones.

Show Highlights: 

Quick Recap: What is Insulin?

Dr. Benjamin 3:52

  • Insulin is a peptide hormone. It is released from our pancreas, and it tells every cell in the body to do something. And every cell in the body will respond to insulin in some way. Its most famous effect is what it does at fat cells and muscle cells, and that is to stimulate the uptake of glucose.


How insulin and sugar affect neurological disorders?

Dr. Benjamin 20:16 

  • When the glucose metabolism rate in people's brains with mild cognitive impairment is measured, it is significantly down. It happens even with the early stages of Alzheimer's disease (even if it's not diagnosed yet), yet we see these detections. We can detect this reduction in glucose use; however, ketone use was normal.

The best and easiest way to take care of your brain

Dr. Benjamin 49:56

  • You don't have to go on some strict ketogenic diet or multi-day fasting. You don't have to be that extreme. Eat a reasonable dinner that isn't an overindulgence. It should have fat, protein, and even carbohydrates, then stop eating after dinner.

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