Body Wisdom Podcast

"Understanding the Role of Habits in Our Lives" with Beret Arcaya and Tami Bulmash

Body Wisdom Season 1 Episode 6

 Alexander Technique teachers Beret Arcaya and Tami Bulmash discuss the roles of habits that interfere with optimal functioning and mobility. Beret reads an excerpt from FM Alexander's book, "Constructive Conscious Control of the Individual" and further explores the implications of misuse of the mind-body. Beret Arcaya is a Master Alexander Technique teacher, singer, actress, and author. As actress she appeared in theatre and leading roles in TV soap operas. She received her Alexander Technique teaching certificate in 1981 and while continuing to sing and to teach singing, she built a large teaching practice. Beret was a founding member of the American Society for the Alexander Technique (AmSAT). During this period, she concentrated on singing chamber music. Beret has given master classes in Europe combining voice and the Alexander Technique and has taught and performed in Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Austria, Italy and Venezuela. She has held workshop in the Alexander Technique for musicians at the Salzburg Easter festival, under the auspices of the Kominsky Foundation and taught Voice and the Alexander Technique in Madrid from 1988 to 2001. While she was in Spain she helped to found APATE the Spanish society of teachers. Beret is a member of the Swiss (SVLAT), Spanish (APTAE), English (STAT) and American (AmSAT) Societies for the Alexander Technique. In 2015, Beret published her book, "Understanding the Singing Voice.”VOL 1, and VOL 2 In preparation She continues to maintain a very active teaching practice as well as continuing her singing.
Beret's website:
Tami's website: