Wellness Your Way with Megan Lyons

Hungry or Emotional? 3 Steps to Distinguish Between Hunger and Emotional Eating

This episode covers:

  • A study on chronic pain and diet
  • A product recommendation for a cracker that I've been loving
  • 3 steps to distinguish between hunger and emotional eating
  • Two Q and As on cholesterol and nutrition vs. exercise 

Links I mentioned during this episode:

How to take action after listening to this episode:

  • Memorize the 3 steps so you can use them next time you're not sure if you're hungry or dealing with emotional cravings: 
    1. Physical Assessment - how are you physically feeling and are you nourished with adequate food?
    2. Emotional Assessment - what emotions could be creating the desire to eat?
    3. Make the Right Choice for You - how will you feel afterwards?  How can you truly nourish yourself?
  • If you memorize these steps now, they'll be available for you next time you need them.  I can't wait to hear how they help you out!