Inspired Soles

Running In and Out of the Pandemic | Anna Charbonneau

Carolyn Coffin and Kim Senechal Episode 76

Anna Charbonneau is a 44 year old working mother from Alberta who rediscovered running during the pandemic. She first took up the sport back in 2007 pushing her newborn baby in the jogging stroller, but as life got busier over the next decade running slowly became more ad-hoc and reactive rather than purposeful and intentional. Pandemic closures were the catalyst for her to re-evaluate where her own health and wellness fit into the picture, and she turned to running as a familiar and safe exercise outlet. Those first steps were tough, but as you’ll hear in this interview Anna persevered. 

We discuss:

  • Getting clear on her WHY
  • Accepting where she was at with running
  • Mustering up the courage to hire a coach
  • Training smarter, not harder
  • Fitting it in on her lunch hours and during her kids’ activities
  • Overcoming Mom-guilt
  • Dealing with low ferritin

It’s always refreshing to hear from someone who is crystal clear about why they run and what they want to get out of it. If you’re struggling to make movement a priority as we hit the two year mark in this pandemic, be sure to listen to the very end for why Anna thinks now is the best time to (re)establish a fitness habit.

Resources we discussed in the episode:

  • Favourite Mantra: Leva prava (Left right in Polish)
  • Favourite Place to Run: Anywhere outside
  • Bucket List Race: Souris River Race in Weyburn, SK or a race in Winnipeg
  • Favourite Running Book: Running: The Complete Guide to Building Your Running Program by John Stanton
  • Favourite Post Run Indulgence: A coffee in the hot tub

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