Inspired Soles

Chris McClung | Training for Hilly Races

November 22, 2022 Carolyn Coffin and Kim Senechal Episode 112

Based out of Austin Texas, Chris McClung is a 2:45 marathoner, running coach, and host of the Running Rogue podcast. He’s exceptionally knowledgeable about many aspects of run training, but in this episode we decided to pick his brain about training for hilly races. This conversation is a deep dive on all things hills, including:

  • Why one might consider a hilly race
  • Chris’ definition of a hilly race
  • The many benefits of hill training
  • Sample hill workouts and how to progress them
  • When to include hill training in your cycle and how to make it course-specific
  • If there’s such a thing as too much hill training
  • What we can do in the weight room to prepare for hilly races, and
  • How to be creative if you live in a flat location or face unsafe weather conditions. 

If you’ve got a hilly race on your calendar in 2023 or beyond, then this is the episode for you.

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