Inspired Soles

Sara Morrison | 2022 NYC Marathon: How to Run a Textbook 1st Marathon on a Tough Day

Carolyn Coffin and Kim Senechal Episode 118

Sara Morrison is a 40-year old phys ed teacher and busy mom-of-two from Winnipeg MB. She took up running as a convenient way to stay fit in her early 30s after her second child was born and quickly fell in love with the half marathon distance. Sara never had much interest in running a marathon back then but thought if there was ever a time to do it, it would be for her 40th birthday in 2022. And since her birthday is in November, the obvious choice was the NYC Marathon. When she didn’t get in through the lottery, Sara decided to partner with the charity CURE Epilepsy, which is near and dear to her heart, and went on to raise over $5000 for that cause.

Sara knew she would benefit from some support with her training so she reached out to Carolyn for coaching last spring. In this episode she tells us about the many highs and lows she faced during the training cycle, as well as two incredibly stressful events that happened in the days leading up to the November 6th race, which was forecast to be one of the hottest and most humid days in NYC Marathon history. Somehow, despite all the challenges, Sara managed to collect herself and run one of the smartest, most textbook first marathons we have ever seen!

Resources we discussed in this episode:

  • Favourite Mantra: Finish strong
  • Favourite Place to Run: Birds Hill Park
  • Bucket List Race: Chicago Marathon
  • Favourite Running Book: Let Your Mind Run by Deena Kastor 
  • Favourite Post Run Indulgence: Peanut butter

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