Inspired Soles

Chris Fenlon-MacDonald | Why Runners Should Consider Adventure Racing

Carolyn Coffin and Kim Senechal Episode 133

Chris Fenlon-MacDonald is an adventure racer and father, living in Calgary AB. He is the owner and founder of Rocky Mountain Adventure Racing and also played a huge role in the creation of the Swamp Donkey events in Manitoba. Recently he completed the Expedition Canada Adventure Race in the Okanagan in 2022 and is currently training for 2023!

After serving as a full-time reservist with the Canadian Armed Forces in Winnipeg and Edmonton and spending time in academia in Australia, he returned to Calgary, Alberta to teach in an elementary setting. Chris has a Masters of Education from the University of Alberta and is currently a Well-Being Specialist for the Calgary Board of Education. In this role, he supports the professional learning aimed to increase the capacity of school communities by working with superintendents, senior school leadership, teachers, parents, students and allied health promotion specialists. Through this work Chris found a passion for school-health promotion, and the broad impacts comprehensive school health has on student wellbeing. 

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Chris’ running and athletic background
  • Adventure racing and why he was drawn to it
  • How Rocky Mountain Adventure Racing was born
  • What Chris loves about adventure racing and finally,
  • Why you might want to try it!

Chris has a passion not only for adventure racing, but also sharing it with others. You can’t help but become intrigued as you listen to this conversation and you may just find yourself mixing it up a little in your next race!

Connect with Chris & Rocky Mountain Adventure Racing:

Connect with Carolyn & Kim:

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