Inspired Soles

Exercise Is Medicine | Wayne Crowe, MD

February 16, 2021 Carolyn Coffin and Kim Senechal Episode 22

Dr. Wayne Crowe has been practicing medicine in the Comox Valley since 1983 and transitioned to semi-retirement in 2018. He strongly believes in food and movement as medicine, and was a pioneer in his field in prescribing exercise and lifestyle modifications before medication whenever possible. Always an active person, Wayne didn’t start seriously running until age 49, which makes his 2:49:58 marathon PB that much more impressive. There is no doubt Wayne is committed to his physical fitness, but as you’ll hear in this conversation he is equally dedicated to his mental fitness. He brings a refreshingly positive attitude to everything he does, including rehabbing from injuries and dealing with all that was 2020. Wayne is actively involved in his running community as a race director, current board member, and past president of the CVRR. He is a lifelong student who loves to learn and share what he’s learned with others, which is why we’re so excited to be sharing him with you today. This episode is jam-packed with actionable truth bombs, and if you listen right to the very end you’ll hear him tell a fairly embarrassing story about Carolyn that she promised wouldn’t land on the cutting room floor. Please enjoy our conversation with Dr. Wayne Crowe.

Resources we discussed in the episode:

  • Favourite Mantras: He thinks of it as "self-talk" (more than a mantra) and feels it needs to be appropriate to the situation , planned ahead of time, and practiced in training.
    • In training -  Good; Yes; Pay now or pay later; Take it easy; Fast feet
    • In a long/tempo/progression run - Take it easy; Feel the pace; This is where you want to be; It's supposed to hurt
    • Early in a race - Settle in; Execute 
    • Mid-race - Keep it smooth/loose; Sing childhood songs to disassociate
    • Late in a race - Light feet; Count to get out of your head; It's go time; Push 
  • Favourite Places to Run: Nymph Falls, Dove Creek, One Spot Trail 
  • Bucket List Runs: Tokyo Marathon (last of the six world majors), Chuckanut (trail 50k)
  • Favourite Book: Any book by Matt Fitzgerald, Fast After 50, Endure, The Wind Is Not a River 
  • Favourite Podcasts: KoopCast, The Science of Sport, Science of Ultra 
  • Post-Run Indulgences: Healthy smoothie; Salmon burger with yam fries 

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