Inspired Soles

Demystifying RED-S, Bone & Soft Tissue Injuries in Runners | Sylvia Loewen, MD

Carolyn Coffin and Kim Senechal Episode 28

Have you ever been secretly terrified that you have a stress fracture, wondered what RED-S is, or had trouble deciding whether you should run through that tendon pain or not?

Today we're speaking with Dr. Sylvia Loewen,  a Sports Medicine Physician at The Pan Am Clinic in Winnipeg, Medical Advisor to the Pan Am Running & Gait Centre, and an avid runner herself.  She joins us to help unpack information not only about common running injuries, but also some rather less common but equally important injuries.

Dr. Loewen has an insatiable curiosity for learning and is a wealth of information. We know you will have many of your questions answered as you listen to her share her wisdom as both a sports medicine physician and a runner.

Connect with Dr. Sylvia Loewen:

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