Inspired Soles

Goodbye Smoking, Hello Running | Caroline Wiebe

Carolyn Coffin and Kim Senechal Episode 34

When we asked Caroline Wiebe to be on the podcast, she responded with, “I’m not that interesting.  Who would want to hear MY story?”  At Inspired Soles  we want to hear those real life stories from all types of runners and we think you will agree that Caroline has a story worth sharing! 

Caroline is a 49 year old mother of two and a registered nurse who works in multiple hospitals and home care.  She started running 11 years ago and her first race was a 5 km gift to herself on Mother’s Day.  Since then she has racked up such an impressive road running resume she stopped counting her marathons at 20, and she has done many trail ultramarathons including several 100 milers. 

She talks about how positive peer pressure from her running community helped her to stop smoking, how being super organized is the only way she fits it all in, and she fondly reminisces about trips with her kids that always seemed to include a race as well lots of family time before and after. 

Caroline is refreshingly unapologetic about how running is the gift she gives herself, the one thing that she does for her.  Happy Mother’s Day to all those running moms out there. We think there is a lot that will hit home with you during our chat with Caroline!

Connect with Caroline

Resources we discussed in the episode:

  • Favourite Mantra: Convince your mind and your legs will follow; Just one more (lap, mile, day/night)
  • Favourite Place to Run: Any trail in warm weather
  • Bucket List Race: Marathon des Sables stage race in Morocco in 2022
  • Favourite Podcast: Inspired Soles
  • Post-Run Indulgence: Long bath, nap, ice cream

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