Inspired Soles

Middle-of-the-Pack and Proud Of It | Genevieve Groulx

Carolyn Coffin and Kim Senechal Episode 49

Today we’re pleased to welcome Genevieve Groulx to the show. Originally from Montreal and based in Calgary AB, Gen is a Partner in tax services for a large professional services firm. She discovered running through a Run to Quit smoking cessation program offered by the Running Room in 2017, and while those first steps were tough and she didn’t have the right wardrobe, she eventually grew to love the sport...especially after learning about destination running in Hawaii! 

Carolyn has had the pleasure of coaching Gen since the spring of 2021 and can attest to the fact that she responds well to instructions and LOVES her spreadsheets! As a naturally bubbly and hilarious person, she routinely makes Carolyn laugh out loud each week as she sifts through her feedback notes. If this episode doesn’t convince you that middle-of-the-packers have more fun, I’m not sure what will.

Resources we discussed in the episode:

  • Favourite Mantra: You’ve paid for this; Who’s idea was this?
  • Favourite Place to Run: along the seawall in Vancouver or the river in Calgary
  • Bucket List Race: A race in every Canadian province
  • Favourite Running Book/Podcast: The Sports Gene; Women Run Canada
  • Post-Run Indulgence: Coffee in a shop that caters to runners; in winter, a long, hot shower and a nap!; in summer, watermelon with a pinch of salt; Old Dutch Popcorn Twists

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