Inspired Soles

Sinister Sports Race Director | Brian Gallant

Carolyn Coffin and Kim Senechal Episode 51

Brian Gallant is a full-time mountain trail race director from Crowsnest Pass, Alberta where he runs Sinister Sports, a growing operation that puts on trail races that many recognize and respect including the famous Sinister Triple: the Sinister 7 Ultra, Canadian Death Race, and the Black Spur Ultra.  Brian has been race directing for 20 years, and over that time he has developed a unique perspective on the sport, looking at it from an angle that, in his words, “nobody notices unless something goes wrong.” He shares why he does what he does, the core values with which he anchors his organization, and what it takes to remain sustainable in today’s trail racing climate. He highlights the racer experience as his number one priority and Kim has personally both cursed him and blessed him as she’s traversed his race courses. If you are a trail runner in western Canada, you’ve heard of Sinister Sports and no doubt have done or want to do one of Brian’s races. COVID has taught us that having the opportunity to race is a gift and not a given. We hope that you will aspire to something “sinister” in 2022 and sign up for one of the six tempting trail races offered by Brian and his crew at Sinister Sports.

Connect with Brian:

Resources we discussed in the episode:

  • Favourite Mantra: Racing is 90% mental and the rest is in your head
  • Favourite Place to Run: Around Kimberley, BC
  • Bucket list Race: Volunteer at Western States
  • Favourite Running Resources: Race directing forums/articles
  • Favourite Post Run Indulgence: Sleep! Watch a movie. Treat crew to a local restaurant.

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