Inspired Soles

Couple of the Quarter | Noella Klawitter & Ilona Thomas

Carolyn Coffin and Kim Senechal Episode 65

For our final episode of 2021, we took the liberty of tweaking our normal Couple of the Quarter format to bring you this conversation with training partners Noella Klawitter and Ilona Thomas.

Noella is a visually impaired runner and former high performance middle distance track athlete who’s represented Canada on a number of occasions and still holds Canadian records in the T12 category for the 400m, 800m and 1500m. Noella’s track career came to an abrupt end in July of 2012 with the unexpected news that she was left off the paralympic team for the London Olympics. In 2016 she moved to Brockville ON where she met Ilona and rediscovered her love of running. Noella trained Ilona to be her trusted guide and this fall they pulled off some killer teamwork to run every single step of the Petit Train du Nord Marathon together, finishing in an impressive time of 3:44:22. We get all the details surrounding their race preparation and execution, and towards the end have a fascinating discussion about their love of cold water plunges year round in the St. Lawrence River.

Connect with Kim & Carolyn:

Resources we discussed in the episode:

  • Women Run Canada episode where Carolyn interviewed Paula Wiltse, Noella & Ilona's coach
  • Favourite Mantra: NOELLA: I am fit, I am fast, I am focused. ILONA: Be strong, be brave, be present
  • Favourite Place to Run: NOELLA: Victoria Park, PEI, ILONA: Seawall, Vancouver trails
  • Bucket List Race: NOELLA - Mt. Kilimanjaro ILONA: Two Oceans Marathon 56K
  • Favourite Running Book: NOELLA - Born to Run, ILONA: Let Your Mind Run
  • Favourite Post Run Indulgence: NOELLA - ice cream, poutine ILONA - homemade vegan treat, avocado oil chips!

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