Redefining the Good Life

EP 14: The "all or nothing" mindset

Episode 14

Have you ever decided to adopt a healthy habit and then, as soon as you had a slip-up, called it quits altogether? 

And maybe you said to yourself that you’ll start again the next day and do a PERFECT job then? 

The problem is, somehow tomorrow turns out to be… just like today. So it is NEVER perfect and this pattern repeats over and over and over again. 

Sometimes for years. 

But the worst thing about this? It is that you lose your trust in YOU.

In today's episode I lay out exactly how to get yourself out of this vicious cycle and go after habit change with confidence. 

PS. Even when you're trying to change for the better, your brain still fights for the status quo. If you're ready to have a coach on your side so that you can outsmart its sneaky ways, reach out to me at to get started. 


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