The Missing Piece

Episode 42: Perception Power: Unlock Your Life's Transformation with Paul Lyngso

β€’ Paul Lyngso

In this podcast episode, Paul explores the power of perception and maintaining a resourceful emotional state. He believes this concept is the most important one in their program, with a profound impact on various aspects of life. Paul acknowledges the saying "perception is reality" and explains how our perception influences our emotional state, behavior, and future outcomes. He provides examples illustrating how different perceptions can lead to different emotional responses and subsequent behaviors. 

Paul emphasizes the importance of perception in areas like fitness, dieting, and seeking help from mentors. He presents perception as a formula, where events are perceived through filters, generating emotional responses that affect our physiology. By understanding and consciously influencing our perception and emotional state, we can transform our behaviors and lives. 



  • Paul discusses the most important concept taught in their program, impacting various aspects of life.
  • He introduces maintaining a resourceful emotional state for positive changes in behavior and life transformation.
  • Perception shapes our reality, influencing our emotions, behavior, and outcomes.
  • Different perceptions lead to different emotional responses and behaviors.
  • Positive perceptions energize and motivate us, while negative perceptions can lead to self-sabotage.
  • We can consciously influence our emotions and create a resourceful state.
  • Understanding perception and maintaining a resourceful emotional state can transform our lives.



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  • 00:00 - Introduction to new episode
  • 00:38 - Maintaining a resourceful emotional state
  • 01:06 - Perception is reality
  • 02:10 - Objective reality is a feedback loop
  • 02:46 - How it works and how it affects emotions
  • 03:52 - How you perceive the world shapes your future reality
  • 05:25 - How to align your diet and workout
  • 06:39 - Why diet is a source of stress and frustration
  • 07:14 - How to find a way to be excited about fitness?
  • 07:50 - The two different ways to perceive events
  • 08:31 - If you never take ACTION on it, you don't get any RESULTS!
  • 09:23 - The one year that changed everything
  • 10:26 - The importance of saying YES to success
  • 11:46 - Perception dictates REALITY
  • 12:51 - Emotions and physiology can be two ways
  • 13:44 - How your emotional state dictates your behavior
  • 15:19 - The two ways to change your emotional state
  • 16:02 - Having a VISION of the life you want to live
  • 16:44 - Physicality, fitness, clothes and finances
  • 18:38 - Reframing an idealized version of yourself
  • 20:12 - Long-term behavior change leads to outcome
  • 20:45 - Paul 2.0 is who he wants to become
  • 21:34 - Change your emotions, perceptions and behaviors, the outcomes will follow!
  • 22:04 - How to get more information about Paul?