The Missing Piece

My Early Onset Midlife Crisis

November 10, 2023 Paul Lyngso
The Missing Piece
My Early Onset Midlife Crisis
Show Notes

Experiencing Life The Way You Want To: My Early Onset Midlife Crisis

Experiencing life the way you want to is about being intentional with your time and giving yourself permission to do the things that matter most to you. It's about making choices that align with your vision, values, and priorities and not letting external factors or other people’s opinions and expectations dictate how you live your life. When we're conscious and intentional with our time, we're more likely to make choices that lead to a fulfilling and meaningful life. So, give yourself the permission to experience life the way you want to, get clear on what you want out of life, let go of the inner conflict, expectations, and judgment, and align with your vision to maximize your outcome and achieve what you desire in life. 

In this episode, your host, Paul Lyngso, shares tips and strategies from his coaching experience and book reading metaphor story on transformation, intentional living, and time consciousness to help you overcome inner conflict, get clear on your vision, invest your time currency wisely and align your behavior with your vision. 

Tune in!

Key Highlights from the Show

[00:01] Introduction to the show

[00:23] The genesis of Paul’s passion for helping people get clear and align with their vision 

[04:01] Paul’s story that he uses as a metaphor with his clients 

[08:27] How reading books has helped Paul cultivate intentionality in his life 

[10:11] Time Vs. money: How to minimize time expenses and invest it wisely 

[12:19] Intentionality and prioritization in shifting your perspective and outcome

[14:47] Being careful of who you let into your brain 

[16:36] Giving yourself permission to choose the way you want to consume a book

[18:08] Time-conscious can be a life changer in your life 

[18:46] Wrap-up and end of the show

Notable Quotes 

  • Reading books is a metaphor for how you are going to do everything, how you are going to spend your time, and what you want to accomplish with your life. - (08:39).
  • Money is cool; it can do valuable stuff for you, but the most viable currency is time, and you should invest it wisely. - (10:11)
  • Time is a currency; get smart on how you budget, spend, and invest in it. - (12:03)
  • If you don’t prioritize something, it might not happen. - (13:05)
  • There are many ways to read a book and gain value and insights from it without starting from page one to the end. - (16:58)
  • Give yourself permission to change your mind, put the book down, not be linear, or skim for the high-level view to experience the book the way you want to experience it. - (17:11)
  • Don’t just take blind recommendations; if something sucks, you don’t have to read the whole thing, experience life and book exactly the way you want. - (19:48)

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Mixed and Edited by Next Day Podcast