An Incomplete Field Guide to Ministry
An Incomplete Field Guide to Ministry
Trusting our Gifts in the Face of Overwhelm, with Dr. Eunyung Lim
Our hosts Kimberly Wagner and Marvin Wickware finish the series on Overwhelm, centering our inherent gifts and capacities in the face of a lie that we will never be enough or that we are failures for having limits.
Our guest today is Dr. Eunyung Lim, Assistant Professor of New Testament at LSTC, and author or the recently published book Entering God's Kingdom (Not) Like a Little Child: Images of the Child in Matthew, 1 Corinthians, and Thomas.
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Our music is by Keith “Doc” Hampton. Thanks to Frantisek Janak and Michael Liotus for technology support. Our producer and editor is Eric Fowler.
This podcast is brought to you by the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, a seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America that seeks to build up the Body of Christ and work for a world of peace and justice that cares for the whole creation.
If you or someone you know is interested in seminary, you can learn more about LSTC at lstc.edu/admissions