Free Spirit Academy Podcast

Exploring Human Potential | Gil Jacobs

Rande Moss


Hi friends. Before some of you get TOO excited (because I'm with you in that group of niche weirdos that thinks an interview with Gil Jacobs on the internet the single most exciting ever) I DID release this interview in the first year of the podcast.

However, I was in a place at the time where I was very much catering to clients and an audience with a traditional intuitive eating view. And that view tends to look like like: eat whatever you want, whenever you want, and 'listen to your body' but if you put any sort of structure to your eating, you must be orthorexic, a part of diet culture, or have an eating disorder.

So I was dancing between these worlds where my personal foray into intuitive eating had just helped me connect my intuition with the principles of intelligent cleansing that I'd used for so long - but I was a bit apprehensive to talk about it. I KNEW how strong the reaction would be so as a result, there were sections in this recording where Gil talks about dietary specifics and I cut them out and THIS is the unedited version.

For the uninitiated, Gil Jacobs is a master colon hydrotherapist with more useful wisdom on the human body and potential than just about anyone else I've encountered. He is truly one of the people I'm most grateful for in the world and I'm thrilled to re-share my conversation with him.

Free Spirit Academy

Rande Moss Wellness