Free Spirit Academy Podcast

Breaking the Spell of Who We Think We "Should" | Marlena Torres

December 31, 2017 Rande Moss / Marlena Torres Season 1 Episode 1

 "The idea of perfection in a body is a lie. It’s a lie that’s been sold to us since we were little, through magazines and television shows. We fell under the spell. We never had a chance. The spell is made more potent the more perceptive you are as a kid, noticing the hypocrisy and feeling the meaninglessness behind so many of the norms of this world, feeling the meaningless that comes with living in a culture that values production and profits more than it values life. So, how do we move through it? By not dreaming anymore." - Marlena Torres
 In this inaugural episode of Free Spirit Academy, I introduce myself and my dear friend, nutritionist and astrologer Marlena Torres.
 Marlena and I talk about learning to care for and feed the body with intention but WITHOUT being a crazy person about it... astrology took Marlena from obsessive dieting to listening to her body. just RELAXING is far more supportive when learning to listen to the body vs. obsessing over every little symptom or detail.
 ...and how knowing about your full birth chart is a purely positive thing - you won't find out that there's anything wrong with you, you'll only learn how to work WITH what's natural to you.
 Books and websites mentioned:

The Raw Food Detox Diet by Natalia Rose
Diets, Women, Neptune, & The Full Moon in Taurus by Marlena Torres
Women, Food, and God by Geneen Roth
Marlena's website.
Marlena's private Facebook group.
Free Spirit Academy website.
Free Spirit Academy courses.
Free Spirit Academy Facebook group.