Free Spirit Academy Podcast

Being a "Food Weirdo" and Living on Purpose | Michael Perrine

Rande Moss / Michael Perrine Season 1 Episode 7


Welcome to the 7th episode of the Free Spirit Academy Podcast with Holistic  Detox Counselor and Colon Hydrotherapist Michael Perrine.
If you'll recall a couple of episodes back, I spoke with another colonic guru - Gil Jacobs. And you're probably thinking...what is with this girl and poop? And that would be a valid question ;)
All I'll say is that when something changes your life - you share it. That's been true for me with kundalini yoga, intuitive eating, self-love, and cleansing my body in what might seem like an unconventional way.
That said, the way I approached healing a lifetime of binge eating was also unconventional. Rather than willpower and control (which mind you, I DID try for years) I found freedom in surrender of rules, slowing down, and self-exploration. Rather continuing to promise myself that I'd never binge eat again, I started sitting down with those binges and really exploring who I was in those moments. And it changed everything - so don't be afraid of unconventional or seemingly unnatural.
What's natural is WELL. Wellness is natural. Have you heard that little story about the guy who was banging his head against the wall and went to the doctor for a headache and the doctor told him to stop banging his head against the wall? Well actually, now that I think about it, a lot of doctors would probably have given him a prescription but the SANE response would be to look at the cause. We become more free when we don't have a massive blockage in the way of our expression. That blockage could be beliefs about ourselves that aren't true or traumas we suffered. The body is also more free when it's natural state isn't blocked. And that's the heart of what we'll talk about today.
Back to Mike.
Today we'll talk about:
His first colonic with Gil Jacobs (of podcast #5) in 2002.
How we went from drinking and smoking 2 packs of cigarettes every day and being 50 pounds heavier to the incredibly level of wellness he lives with today.
The book he read one day when he stayed home to recover from drinking - that ended up changing his life.
Why colon cleansing in and of itself isn't that useful and how it can even (like all things) be turned into a tool for disorder.
The magic of cryotherapy.
Embracing what's unnatural in response to unnatural living.
Rebellion that serves you vs. rebellion that hurts you.
The concept of "eating clean" and what it actually means. - not a moral thing where we're like "oh I was so good today" or "I was so bad today - gotta get back on track" - this is so far beyond that.
And to give you a taste of what you're about to go into, one of my favorite quotes from Mike in this conversation: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away 'cause it makes you shit."
I hope you enjoy this conversation with Michael Perrine.
Mike's transformation
Vitality website
Everyday Detox Podcast
Everyday Detox YouTube