Free Spirit Academy Podcast

18 | Lobo Del Sol | Surrendering to the Love that You Are

Rande Moss / Lobo Del Sol Season 1 Episode 18

Episode 18 of the Free Spirit Academy podcast with Lobo Del Sol (AKA Golden Sun Wolf) is here!

This will be unlike anything you've heard here before. Lobo and I met in a kundalini yoga teacher training this last year. There was this sort of electric moment when I first saw him and you'll hear about that in our conversation - but this is actually the first time we've ever spoken.

I knew I had to bring Lobo on when I first started listening to his Facebook lives and heard everything he had to say, pointing back to self-love. He has such a depth of wisdom and experience that I feel like I was tripping all over myself in attempt to sound somewhat intelligent but thankfully, he seemed to read my mind and everything I hoped he would share, beautifully and elegantly ended up on the recording.

Be ready - we're diving into religion and past lives and, just to keep things somewhat normal around here, even juicing. I hope you enjoy the conversation.

LINKS:2Source22 Facebook Page.Lobo on Instagram.Lobo on Facebook. Free Spirit Academy website.Free Spirit Academy courses.Free Spirit Academy Facebook group.