Free Spirit Academy Podcast

Your Inner Binge Eater is on Your Side | Melissa Riccardi

Rande Moss / Melissa Riccardi Season 2 Episode 27


It's been amazing to me since I graduated from the Institute for the Psychology of Eating what a huge variety of teachers and coaches I meet. Some who are amazing and some who's approaches I don't care for at all and each with their own focus whether it be on weight loss or intuitive eating or emotional eating but today's guest is someone who feels like a true sister in this eating psychology coach community - our perspectives are so similar but of course she has plenty to share that I don't and I'm thrilled to share her no-nonsense but super warm and loving approach to binge eating disorder with you here.

If you've listened to a few episodes, you'll know that I always tie things up with the question "what is your definition of a free spirit" and while I love Melissa's answer, we got to messaging about it later and she added this. She said me "A free spirit to me symbolizes going back to our child selves. Children are explorers, curious observers, wonderers. They have no judgements, they see everything through fresh eyes and are amazed by everything and anything. They are completely uninhibited, unafraid to speak their minds and are unphased by what other people are doing or saying about them. This is what it means to me to be a free spirit. Revisiting the place within us, the person we were as children before the world told us how to be."

In today's episode we talk about...

...What happens when you stop bulimic behaviors but are just left with binge eating.

...Why it doesn't help to count days "binge free" or keep starting to try startinv over.

...Why just HALTING the binge eating isn't the primary goal.

...Why we don't have a death wish out on our inner critics and what approach we take instead.

...How to balance analyzing and journaling on the healing journey with learning to just sit and feel feelings.

...Why intuitive eating is, as Melissa says, an "adult's game".

...And very practically, how to begin addressing overeating, compulsive eating, or binge eating.

I hope you enjoy this episode with Melissa Riccardi.


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Melissa's Private Facebook Group Beyond the Binge.

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