Free Spirit Academy Podcast

Living The HYE Life and Honoring Yourself Everyday | Meredith Wadsworth

Rande Moss / Meredith Wadsworth Season 3 Episode 2

Welcome to episode 40 of the Free Spirit Academy podcast with Holistic Health Coach and Wellness Lifestyle Consultant Meredith Wadsworth.

I discovered Meredith's work while I was going down a  rabbit hole with  exercise. You'll hear more about this as we dive in but one slice of what Meredith does is fitness training for the method we'll talk about. But that really is just one piece. Her company The HYE Life (Honor Yourself Everyday) represents so much of what I love: a balance between intuition and intention, looking beyond the surface of food and body struggles, and truly holistic wellness that doesn't include punishing exercise or restrictive dieting. There are no cookie cutter approaches here.

In this conversation we talked about... her first career in fashion stopped lighting her up and what she did to turn her life in a direction that DID. 

...we connect on having clients who think they are coming to talk to us about food and how it turns in to everything else.

...what messages food/body pain may be trying to offer us. 

...the difference between introversion and enjoying alone time and ACTUALLY liking ourselves. even though food and body isn't everything it IS important and what role it plays. we can limit our perception of food as potential weight gain or how it will harm us rather than focusing on nourishment.

...and how working out is not to be fit for workouts but to be fit for how we want to live our lives. 

I hope you enjoy this conversation with Meredith Wadsworth.


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