Finding Her: A Mental Health Podcast

EP 059: When the Mean Girl or Mean Man is You

Julia Busby Season 3 Episode 59

On this week's episode of Finding Her, Julia introduces her community to Sandra Daniele. Sandra is the creator and founder of Wish on Wildflowers, Life Enhancement Coaching for Women. She holds a Masters in Business and is a certified life coach as recognized by the International Coaching Federation. Her desire is for all women to know their self-worth, trust themselves, and live a life free from old untrue stories and labels that hold them back. She works with clients 1:1 joining and guiding them on their life journey to find their purpose, passion, and authenticity.

Things to think about from today's show:
What do you say to yourself?
What do you think about yourself?
Why do you believe that these statements about yourself are true?
Uncover the steps to begin your self-reflection process. Why are you so mean to yourself?

Sandra shares an exercise where you can identify your personal beliefs but then also acknowledge where this stemmed from and or why you feel this to be true.

This episode delivers an idea that we definitely our worst critics. We can be cruel and mean to ourselves as Sandra shared in highschool she was the meanest to herself. To combat the inner critic we can benefit from learning how to tap into who we are as an individual without outside influences.

For more information about Sandra please visit her website here:
Wish on Wildflowers Life Enhancement Coaching
Get your Freebie- SHUT DOWN THE MEAN GIRL here.

Follow her on Instagram: @wishonwildflowers

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