Satsang Podcasts from the Himalayas, from

Identification is the Cause of Suffering

Shree, Sherrie Wade - Transformation

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In the Yoga Sutras of Patanajli it is said that there is only one cause of suffering. The forgetfulness or your true Self.  This makes it much easier and clear to know that you don't have to spend years of your life trying to determine why you are suffering. Instead, you notice that you are identified as a limited mind and body being and therefore you have to enjoy and suffer. That is the human condition. 

Through meditation, you remove the covering over your true Self. Through that answered state all of your problems are nonexistent as you are knowing your true Self and you are experiencing a state of peace that is there regardless of what is going on in your life.  To understand this more easily consider that every night when you are asleep for that time there are no problems or even physical pains. The Fourth state or meditative awareness is similar as even though you are now awake you are free from the problems and pains just like you are in deep sleep.

For more information about Shree's audios and books: Transformation Meditation Teacher Training Manuals and Knwoingness Meditation: Enlightenment is Now go to

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