SPARK Relationship + Sexual Wellness

Episode 1: Why Do Couples Fight About Money?

Meghna Mahambrey, M.Ed., Ph.D.

One of the biggest hurdles in many relationships is bringing each other’s differences together to handle money. Financial decisions and burdens become much easier to handle once we understand how to tackle the topic of money with our significant others. In this episode, Dr. Meghna Mahambrey interviews Jonathan Groleau, a personal financial planner, to explore how to make money an opportunity for relationship growth instead of a dreaded topic. 

Dr. Meghna Mahambrey is the founder of SPARK Relationship + Sexual Wellness, an educational platform with a mission to help singles, couples, and polyamorous partners build happy, healthy love lives. To learn more about SPARK, watch Meghna's TED talk, follow us on Instagram and Facebook , or check out our blog and YouTube channel.

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