SPARK Relationship + Sexual Wellness

Episode 4: What is Emotional Intelligence in Relationships?

Meghna Mahambrey, M.Ed., Ph.D.

What does emotional intelligence really look like in romantic relationships? Andy Kuss is a graduate of the Next Level emotional intelligence training program and partner to host Dr. Meghna Mahambrey. They have learned individually and together what emotional intelligence is all about, and they have gone through the deep personal work necessary to achieve it. Listen to their honest firsthand account of the importance of emotional intelligence and how they’ve built an emotionally intelligent relationship together. 

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Dr. Meghna Mahambrey is the founder of SPARK Relationship + Sexual Wellness, an educational platform with a mission to help singles, couples, and polyamorous partners build happy, healthy love lives. To learn more about SPARK, watch Meghna's TED talk, follow us on Instagram and Facebook , or check out our blog and YouTube channel.

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