UncommonTEEN: The Podcast for Christian Teen Girls
Being a teen girl today is tough. Being a Christian Teen Girl today is even more challenging. Join Teen Life Coach Jamie Kirschner as she helps you, Christian teen girls, overcome the real life challenges you are facing in a way that stays true to who God created you to be!
218 episodes
162. Prince or Frog? Who to Look for When It's Time to Date
I want to give a huge shout out to Dr. Doug Weiss and his training for Christian teen girls called "Princes Take Longer than Frogs." Dr. Weiss is a psychologist and the founder of Heart to Heart Counse...
Season 2
Episode 162

161. AMA: Is Cutting Off a Friendship for a Relationship with God the Right Thing To Do?
AMA: Elly says, “So I recently cut off a friend at school because she doesn't have a relationship with God and I feel like she's going to influence me into the things of this world which will keep me off track with God, but I just h...
Season 2
Episode 161

160. How Do I Make Good Quality Friends?
This month on the UncommonTEEN Podcast, we are diving into the friendship of David and Jonathan. They had a friendship that was different from most friendships. It was a friendship of trust, loyalty, and honor. We can r...
Season 2
Episode 160

159. You Truly Are Beautiful!
This month on the UncommonTEEN Podcast, we learned about the life of Esther and how God used her to change her generation. Esther was what the culture considered physically beautiful, but there was more to Esther than just her p...
Season 2
Episode 159

158. God-Confident NOT Self-Confident
If you’ve been to UncommonTEEN Live, our conference, you’ve heard me say these 3 phrases:1. Dare to be Beautiful2. Dare to be Confident3. Dare to Shine (or Lead) But why do ...
Season 2
Episode 158

157. Step Into Your Purpose
A lot of times when we hear that God created us for a purpose, we instantly look to the past and how we don’t qualify. Growing up, I was very shy and extremely insecure. I couldn’t even look someone in the eyes and talk to them...
Season 2
Episode 157

156. God's Got You!
We are going to be doing something a little different with the UncommonTEEN Podcast in 2025. This year, I want to explore different people in the Bible who made a major impact for the Lord and lessons we can learn from them. This month, we are ...
Season 2
Episode 156

155. 6 Words of Wisdom for 2025
6 Words of Wisdom for 2025 and Beyond!You’ll never find peace living out of another person’s head. If you are constantly worried about what other people are thinking, you will never be free to be who it is that God created you to be...
Season 2
Episode 155

154. Let's Kick Anxiety and Insecurity to the Curb! Part 2
Last week, in part 1 of this two part series on the UncommonTEEN Podcast, we began talking about how to throw away anxiety, stress, overwhelm, and insecurities for good! God wants you walking in confidence, really embr...
Season 2
Episode 154

153. Let's Kick Anxiety and Insecurity to the Curb! Part 1
Did you know that it is possible to not let anxiety, stress, overwhelm or insecurities rule your life? Did you know that God actually doesn’t want you anxious, stressed, overwhelmed, and insecure? He actually want...
Season 2
Episode 153

152. Overcoming a Lack of Motivation
Why is it so hard to motivate ourselves to do what we know we are supposed to do? Especially when we don’t feel like it? Lack of motivation….complacency…it’s all the same thing. Complacency is a weapon the enemy i...
Season 2
Episode 152

151. Overcoming Negative Self-Talk
Your words are powerful. Proverbs 18:20 tells us that death and life are in the power of the tongue. Whatever you speak you will eventually see in your life. But just like the words that you speak are powerful…the words that you tell yourself i...
Season 2
Episode 151

150. What Does It Look Like to Put God First in My Life?
I remember when I first made Jesus the Lord of my life, I was on fire for God. Nobody was going to stop me from going all in. However, I had a problem. I didn’t know what it looked like to actually go all in with God. Nobody showed me how to pr...
Season 2
Episode 150

149. My Parents Are Opposed to Social Media, but I Feel Like the Odd One Out
Today's Ask Me Anything question comes from Ellie. she says, "Sometimes I do feel uncommon as a believer, but your positive words help me get through tough situations. My parents are strong Christian believers who are both teachers. They are ve...
Season 2
Episode 149

148. AMA: You Are Not A Disappointment!
On this week’s AMA episode, we answer, "Hi Jamie, lately I've been feeling like I'm disappointing everyone around me in my life. My parents with not being athletic enough (even though I work out), my entire family went to college for at...
Season 2
Episode 148

147. Who Has God Called You to Be?
When I think back to the life of King David as a young boy, I see someone whose circumstances weren’t the best. I see someone whose dad didn’t really even consider him as a son. He was forgotten about, made fun of by his brothers and other peop...
Season 2
Episode 147

146. AMA: With All the Craziness in the World, How Do I Not Fear the Future?
On this week's Ask Me Anything, episode, we are answering the question, "Could you talk about fear of the future on the UncommonTEEN Podcast? I'm really scared of everything going on in the world. I know I should give all my problems to God, bu...
Season 2
Episode 146

145. AMA: Does Evolution Fit with the Bible?
AMA: Hannah-Does Evolution Fit with the Bible? On this week’s AMA episode, Hannah says, “Recently I’ve been thinking about evolution. When I was talking to my friends about Jesus and God one of them asked me “so you don’t bel...
Season 2
Episode 145

144. Letting Go of Shame, Guilt & Regret
In part one of this series, we talked about how to keep ourselves from losing positions so that we don’t find ourselves in a low place asking ourselves, “How did I get here?” As a teen, I found myself in these places so often...
Season 2
Episode 144

143. "How Did I Get Here?"
I have heard so many stories from several of you ladies who were innocently scrolling on social media when a message popped up in your chat. This super cute guy was messaging you either asking you if you'd like to be his friend...
Season 2
Episode 143

142. Conquering Anxiety Once and For All!
Anxiety…I remember being in this place…my heart began beating fast. It felt like there was a 1,000 pound elephant on my chest and I couldn’t breathe. I remember one time, and this was just earlier this year, I was in a crowd where I knew about ...
Season 2
Episode 142

141. What is Water Baptism?
Recently, one of you wrote in letting me know you got water baptized! Woohoo!! I’m so excited for you! Then, some questions came up about water baptism, so I thought this would be a great time to talk about it! This was an...
Season 2
Episode 141

140. He Loves You More Than You Know!
We’ve heard it before, maybe many times…God loves you! For many of us, we grew up singing the song, “Jesus loves me!” and we were so excited…which we should be! I mean praise God for His love. But Just because we’ve heard it, just because we’ve...
Season 2
Episode 140

139. AMA: Why Does God Promise to Protect Us, If He Isn't Always Going To?
God doesn’t cause bad things to happen, neither does he allow them to happen. We may ask ourselves: what if someone close to me dies and they were believing for healing? This happened to me just recently. A good friend of ...
Season 2
Episode 139

138. How Do I Know if the Holy Spirit is Guiding Me?
AMA: I’m a junior in high school, but only just turned 16, which means I’ll move out to start college when I’m 17, and I still don’t know where God wants me. I’ve prayed for guidance and trust, but I just don’t quite know how to get through hig...
Season 2
Episode 138