Simplify Your Healing

#37 Unhealthy Expectations that are Affecting Your Healing

Jenny Peterson Season 2 Episode 37

Have you ever bought a supplement that you heard so many good things about, got so excited that it was going to give you results, took it and nothing happened?

Or have you done a healing protocol that made you feel hopeful and had expectations that it was going to be the one that finally helped you and yet again, you didn’t get the results. 

Do you have expectations about your healing that are negatively affecting your healing, If I had to take a guess, you probably do. 

The disappointment that you feel when things that you invest your time and energy on don’t work out, is all back to the expectations. 

The expectations that you have of your body, healing, others and yourself go beyond just expectations, they as with everything, have connections to subconscious patterns.  

Today I’m talking about those expectations and the possible subconscious connections to them. 

Most people with chronic symptoms are overwhelmed with trying to heal. At MBR we simplify healing by focusing on one area, the subconscious mind, so your body can focus on healing, and you can get back to living.

Thanks for listening!